He wore a loose brown velvet jacket, and waistcoat, cut to show a soft frilled shirt and narrow black ribbon tie; a thin gold chain was looped round his neck and fastened to his fob.
The tenacity which had at once made and undone Soames was her backbone, too, frilled and embroidered by French grace and quickness.
Cutlets were handed, each pink-frilled about the legs.
A 'bonne' coiffed with ribbon shepherded two little girls with pig-tails and frilled drawers.
At three o'clock, when a mysterious black-robed elderly person carrying a capacious basket came up in the elevator she was met in the corridor by a white-visaged fury in a frilled cap and apron, who implored her distractedly to go away.
His summons was answered by an alert young woman in a frilled cap and apron.
Seated on Florrie's frilled sofa, while Florrie, all encompassing tact and urgency, passed on the verdict, it was not of it that she first thought.
The little girl in the blue gingham dress and white frilled pinafore looked at her small hostess reproachfully.
She's getting mad," said the little girl in the pink dress and white frilled pinafore--sister to the blue dress.
To the right a veritable tree of speckled petals, frilled and dancing on airy feet in the sun-drizzle.
On weekday mornings the master of the mountain was up earlier, hoeing the flower beds that frilled the verandas, and seeing to the setting out of trees and vines.
There were several miniature sets of dishes of various patterns, and whole families of dolls, from the aged grandmother in a white frilled cap, to the tiny china specimen that was too small to be dressed.
Her soft white hair fell over her brow, and was drawn back under a large white frilled cap that surrounded her head like a halo, and the placid countenance that beamed beneath it inspired a feeling of reverence.
Her varying voice and her glance at once sincere, timid and bold, produced the most singular sensations behind Edward Henry's soft frilled shirt-front.
He now appreciated the distinction of a frilled and gently flowing breast-plate, especially when a broad purple eyeglass ribbon wandered across it.
Edward Henry's heart began to beat in a manner which troubled him and made him wonder what could be happening at the back of the soft-frilled shirt front that he had obtained in imitation of Mr. Seven Sachs.
Vital deigned to show himself, dressed entirely in black cloth, with a splendid frilled shirt adorned with one diamond.
Gentleman proposing lady's 'ealth in a frilled shirt an' a pair o' skin-tights.
He wore a blue coat with brass buttons, that had been very well made a very long time ago; white trousers, a light waistcoat, a frilled shirt, and a very stiff cravat.
One hand, with the deep cuff pushed back from the wrist to show his neat frilled shirt, is thrust into his unbuttoned breeches pocket, the two pockets being across the top of his breeches.
The cravat is loosely tied, and the frilled ends stick out.
Put on that handsome frilled shirt and your green coat of Elbeuf cloth.
One species can utter a cry when pained or alarmed, and the tall-standing frilled lizard can lift its forelegs, and squat or hop like a kangaroo.
The curtain often shows several conspicuous folds, and the lower edge often resembles frilled drapery.
The doll wore a neat print dress and frilled underclothes, and though the day was hot, a crocheted sweater and a cunningly made hood.
She had dressed herself in a jumper of wood brown jersey, and a frilled blouse of white silk, with an orange colored tie.
There were jumpers of tricotine and of jersey, and delicate littlefrilled blouses of silk.
She opened it, and a small boy with a great basket of frilled and ruffled clothes, peeping from under the cover, confronted her.
Mrs. Libby in a much-frilled night-dress was shaking my shoulder vigorously.
It was only a few minutes' work to remove the coarse garments, and wrap her in a perfumed, frilled nightdress, that hung loosely on the spare little form.
One peculiarity of this valley seemed to be the wearing of frilled gaiters or leggings by the women.
The base of the crown is always concealed in the mouth of the tube, but it springs from a narrow frilled membrane of pure white.
And here is a much more elegant scroll, of which the constituent is a slender thread, twisted into a frilled or figure-8 form, as it goes on to make the spire.
After 1820 a sort of trouser with a frilled edge was worn for a time by fashionable women in England.
The shirt-front was frilled and a white cravat was tied in a great bow at the chin.
Wind a strip of frilled tissue-paper about the bit of bare bone left upon each one.
Twist frilled paper around the knuckle, and garnish with cresses.
Wind frilled paper about the shank, and garnish with parsley.
She shook out some dainty, lace-frilled garments before the fire, and approached the bed, judiciously cheerful.
She flung her sheet aside and turned her pillow over and pushed her frilled sleeves to her elbows.
Then their four frilled hands came down and they flumped out of the high bed.
The puffed out chest, the little frilled jacket and tight sleeves, were also very characteristic of this time.
The clustering flowers hang down, sepals and petals of dusky mauve, most gracefully frilled and twisted, encircling a great hollow labellum which ends in a golden drop.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "frilled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.