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Example sentences for "frameworks"

Lexicographically close words:
framer; framers; frames; frameth; framework; framing; franc; franca; francaises; franceses
  1. It sought to preserve the bureaucratic, regulatory, and economic frameworks of the First Empire.

  2. Moreover, how pragmatic frameworks and characteristics of language experiences are interconditioned is a subject that involves a memetic perspective, but is not reducible to it.

  3. Literate characteristics persist in the literate frameworks of political and formal dinners: hierarchy (who sits where), the order in which food is presented, the types of dishes and eating utensils.

  4. Rather, they are frameworks of validation of one type of human experience against another.

  5. Religiosity today differs from the religiosity of previous pragmatic frameworks insofar as it corresponds to the accentuated insularity of the individual.

  6. The two frameworks are logically incompatible.

  7. The nuclei of ancient incipient agriculture, which were also the places of origin for many language families, are distinct pragmatic frameworks relevant also to the experience of cooking.

  8. Coping with the right to affluence Pragmatic frameworks are not chosen, like food from a menu or toppings from a list.

  9. The notion of scale involves these considerations insofar as it tells us that life expectancy in different pragmatic frameworks varies drastically.

  10. For reasons of efficiency only, markets are frameworks for the self-constitution of human beings as free, enjoying liberties and rights that add to their productive capabilities.

  11. From barter to the trading of commodities futures and stock options, from money to the cashless society, markets constitute frameworks for higher transaction efficiency, often equated with profit.

  12. The quasi-generalized literacy of industrial society reflected the need for unified and centralized frameworks of practical experience, within a scale optimally served by the linearity of language.

  13. Joe and the Chief, in space suits, rode tiny metal frameworks in an emptiness more vast, more lonely, more terrible than either could have imagined.

  14. At something over twelve miles height, seven aggregations of clumsy black things clung to frameworks of steel, pushing valorously.

  15. By that time the articulated red frameworks were assembled.

  16. He was pretty sure the frameworks of science, as he knew them, wouldn't be able to tell you.

  17. But if Their frameworks were so different from his that They misinterpreted all his efforts?

  18. Through a wide tear in the canvas she saw a stretch of flat ground covered with stakes and boards and denuded frameworks and piles of debris.

  19. These frameworks almost hid the tip of the middle pier, which had evidently slid over and was sinking on its side.

  20. Certain ideologies and cognitive frameworks that have gained prominence in nursing in the recent past are not fully congruent with the values expressed in the Nursing as Caring theory.

  21. The superstructure rests on four tall frameworks or trestles of timber forming the piers.

  22. Among the inhabitants of the Negen Negorijen or "Nine Villages" the abodes of the ancestral spirits are often merely frameworks of houses decorated with coloured rags.

  23. There were long rows of posts, two to each man, between which were stretched the rough string frameworks of the hammocks, the men passing up and down between the posts threading the strings backward and forwards like carpet-weaving.

  24. In the suburbs of Merida (there are miles of them) the rail runs between rows of native huts, palm-leaf thatched frameworks of wood upon which red earth is plastered and then stuccoed or whitewashed.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "frameworks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.