The institutions of royalty and of civic patriotism are both very capable of being fossilised into barren formulae, and thus of fettering instead of inspiring the soul.
They lived during the Tertiary period, and are foundfossilised in the Miocene.
We find the same biserial primitive fin more or less preserved in the fossilised remains of the earliest Selachii (Figure 2.
As in the case of the Acrania, we have no fossilised remains of the class, because they have no hard and fossilisable parts.
We can deduce this from the fact that we already find remains of fossilised fishes (Selachii and Ganoids) towards the close of the following Silurian period.
We find in the Carboniferous period fossilisedremains of five-toed amphibia, the oldest terrestrial, air-breathing vertebrates.
Among these bodies, which were either fossilised or left characteristic impressions of their forms in the soft slime, we have especially the more solid parts of the animals and plants that lived and died during the deposit of the slimy strata.
The Worms--whether Semitic Leviathan or Aryan Dragon--are nearly fossilised as to their ancient form.
Nebhat, in fact, is merely a title which has beenfossilised into the name of a deity.
Much as Willoughby would doubtless have liked his daughter to praise him she did not; her eyes were unreflecting as water, her fingers still toying with the fossilised fish, her mind absent.
He's like this," said Rachel, lighting on a fossilisedfish in a basin, and displaying it.
Mr. Chalmers informed me that fossilised tree-trunks occur on the coast near Vunikondi; but I was unfortunately not able to discover them.
The Crusaders cultivated sugar in three places along the Jordan Valley, yet only the ruins of their mills and aqueducts are now left, with the semi-fossilised stalks of the sugar-canes near BeisAcn.
The convent and its valley have a fossilised appearance.
Of course I am influenced by Botany, and the conviction that we have not in a fossilised condition a fraction of the plants that have existed, and that not a fraction of those we have are recognisable specifically.
Probably our readers are already more or less familiar with the drawings of the fossilised remains of Ichthyosauri to be seen in almost every text-book of geology.
The visitor to the geological collection at South Kensington will find a splendid series of the fossilised remains of long-necked sea-lizards.
The quarrymen, in the course of their work, came upon and dug out large pieces of the fossilised remains of this creature.
Such specimens are most probably the fossilised remains of little fish-lizards, that were yet unborn when their mothers met with an untimely end (see p.
But a still greater difference shows itself in the bones of the finger, as we look at a fossilised skeleton (or a drawing of one); for the fingers are long and slender, like those of ordinary reptiles.
As he progressed in these studies, Cuvier was able with considerable success to restore extinct animals from their fossilised remains, to discover their habits and manner of life, and to point out their nearest living ally.
Diatoms in a fossilisedcondition are silicious, and they are to be found in Virginia, in Bermuda, and here.
And the city retains the fossilised form and shape which belonged to it at the time when its own stormy old life was finally crushed out of it.
Megasthenes have referred to some tradition connected with the gigantic fossilised species discovered on the Sewalik Hills, the remains of which are now in the Museum at the East India House?
The existence of the fossilised crustaceans in the north of Ceylon was known to the early Arabian navigators.
The collecting of yusur, or black coral, as they call it, a fossilised vegetable growth, is a third trade in which these boats are employed.
The flat ground for miles inland is composed of nothing but madrepore, and is covered with semi-fossilised sea-shells, which have probably not been inhabited for thousands of years.
A thought only really lives until it has reached the boundary line of words; it then becomes petrified and dies immediately; yet it is as everlasting as the fossilised animals and plants of former ages.
The thought we read is related to the thought which rises in us, as the fossilised impress of a prehistoric plant is to a plant budding out in spring.
Of this Mollusc we only possess the fossilised internal “bone,” analogous to that of the modern cuttle-fish and the calamary of the present seas.
Some few of the fossilised beings referred to resemble species still found living, but the greater part belong to species which have become altogether extinct.
It consists of large trees with their branches imbedded horizontally in vegetable matter, containing kidney-shaped nodules of amber, or fossilised resin.
The number of their fossilised species exceeds that of the living species.
Buckland and Professor Owen, in which the terminal part of the animal is marked in a slightly darker tint, to indicate the place of the bone which alone represents in our days this fossilised being.
In a lake in the vicinity there are also some fossilised stumps of trees, standing vertically.
Fossilised wood was found in the Arctic Regions by Captain M'Clure.
One fossilised Ichthyosaur of the weaker-toothed variety has been found with the remains of two hundred Belemnites in its stomach.
In some of the later fossilised specimens (Planorbis, Paludina, etc.
A few fossilised remains of somewhat advanced organisms, such as shell-fish and worms, are found in the higher and later rocks of the series, and more of the same comparatively high types will probably appear.
Properly applied to the fossilised excrements of animals; but often employed to designate phosphatic concretions which are not of this nature.
This was the more possible since the fossilised impressions had been retained in so distinct a manner.
And, although ancient club-mosses have been found in a fossilised condition at least forty-nine feet high, the spores are no larger than those of our miniature club-mosses of the present day.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fossilised" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.