I still believe (what I believed when I wrote the essays) that under the influence of idealism valuable analyses and formulations of the work of reflective thought, in its relation to securing knowledge of objects, were executed.
It follows that the conceptions and formulations of the sciences--physical and mathematical--concern things which have been reshaped in view of the exigencies of regulated and fertile inference.
After rejecting certain familiar formulations of the question because they employ the not easily definable notions of the self and independence, Mr. Russell makes the following formulation: Can we "know that objects of sense .
So it has come about, through the progressive change of the ruling habits of thought in the community, that the theories of science have progressively diverged from the formulations of pragmatism, ever since the modern era set in.
With the advent of modern times a change comes over the nature of the inquiries andformulations worked out under the guidance of the idle curiosity--which from this epoch is often spoken of as the scientific spirit.
The effect of this straining after scientific formulations in a field alien to the scientific spirit is as curious as it is wasteful.
The labours of physicists like Mach, Duhem, and Ostwald, point to alternative formulations of new hypotheses for the best established laws.
We may first state the central argument, deferring treatment of such additional points as arise in connection with Kant's varying formulations of it in his successive proofs.
The third and fourth antinomies coincide as formulations of the problem whether or not the conditioned implies, and originates in, the unconditioned.
It only embodies formulations and answers pertinent to work within a scale of manageable divisions.
The resulting expression of this endeavor differs from the Indian, in search of a certain state of mind, not formulations of truth, and from Western philosophical statements.
The only reason for their extreme care in not accepting at once their tentative formulations or suggestions was the fear that some other explanation might be the correct one.
If the view which we have maintained is correct, the hypothesis is not to be limited to those elaborate formulations of the scientist which he seeks to confirm by crucial tests.
The textbook or textbooks are consulted in order to verify the formulations and the conclusions of the class.
Xenophon's treatise on domestic "economy" was the nucleus from which have grown all the systematic formulations of economic principles.
What is paradoxical in these formulations arises from the same cause from which the conflict about the "universalia" formerly arose.
A specialised and somewhat complicated investigation was necessary in order to discover formulations appropriate to the types.
In the later and maturer formulations of the anthropomorphic creed this imputed habit of dominance on the part of a divinity of awful presence and inscrutable power is chastened into "the fatherhood of God.
So-called laws of thought would seem to be but abstract statements orformulations of the results of this adjustment.
All formulations of the concept of mass, even when they are made so formal as in the definition given by Heinrich Hertz, indicate dynamic interpretations.
There have been mystics who preferred their warm ecstatic visions to the cold formulations and abstractions of theology.
The sciences have developed in exactness, in so far as they have succeeded in expressing their formulations in numerical terms.
Through theseformulations we can control phenomena by artificially setting up relations of which science has learned the consequences, thus attaining the consequences we desire, and avoiding those we do not.
Such a Church can meet new formulationsof science and history and social ideals with no authoritative and conclusive word of God which automatically settles the issue.
No one, to a greater degree than he, succeeded in going behind, not only Scholastic formulations but even behind Pauline interpretations of Christ, to Christ Himself.
But the type of metaphysics through which most of the great mystics of history have done their thinking and have made their formulations is still further responsible for the excessive negativity of their systems.
He looks for no final results in spiritual matters from intellectual dialectics, whether they be of the old scholastic type, or of the new type of speculations, formulations and subtleties of the Protestant theologians.
In ordinary speech, meanings are guides to action; in aesthetic speech, they are formulations of feelings.
There is, in short, a vast amount of guess work involved, and it is no wonder that scholars, who enjoy precision, so often confine their attentions to the neater formulations of other scholars.
However concrete the materials with which they started, the goal of these sciences is theories, eventually mathematical formulations of laws of change.
Indeed, the fruitful process of interaction between the differing formulations of the concept in biology and economics is a significant illustration of the cross-fertilization of the sciences.
Since the formulations of the separation in the philosophic theory of morals are used to justify and idealize the practices employed in moral training, a brief critical discussion is in place.
It is difficult to realize what it means to arrive at ever-more-workable formulations and methods of approach.
Among the most interestingformulations and potential contributions of psychiatry are those reaching out toward jurisprudence.
As to the influence of sacred books on religion, it is obvious, in the first place, that they are always formulations of the ideas of the places and times in which they originate, and that they vary in tone and in importance accordingly.
Formulations based on insufficient data and hastily constructed are dangerous, to say the least.
The latter, however, never in consciousness connect their religious formulations with their subjective creations.
Or else we may examine those with transitional states grading over into hysteria, for example, excluding from our formulations everything in them that is hysteric.
What formulations there are have been based on therapeutic data and explain the productions of symptoms.
There will undoubtedly be disappointment in his failure to make general psychological formulations, but, as the critics would differ amongst themselves as to what theseformulations should be, Dr.
That does not preclude the possibility of the formulations having an actual basis.
MacCurdy had been saying, with reference to the need for formulation: We all know how these formulations have grown and how they are utilized practically.
Scattering of thought therefore arises from the intermittent action of this censor or from an incomplete abolition of the inhibition allowing varying formulations of the crude ideas to gain expression which have no logic surface connection.
In Schreber a profound psychotic reaction corresponded to crude formulations of his fancies, whereas, when he built these ideas into constructive speculations, he became relatively sane and an efficient citizen.
We have seen that religious formulations have been used to embody crude fancies.
Let us now grant that all religious formulations have an unconscious origin.
How are our imaginations haunted by the idea of what might have happened if Christianity had found ready to its hand intellectual formulationscorresponding to its practical proclamations!
Mayonnaise in its usual commercial formulations is acid enough to be mildly protective against harmful microorganisms.
The chili powder manufacturers get a consistent product by adjusting the formulations each year.
These formulationsof the death idea may occur as tentative solutions of the patient’s problems leading to temporary manic episodes while the psychosis is incubating.
The affective setting of these different formulations is important.
When it tends to be elaborated, it leads over to formulations suggesting personal attachments and emotional outlet, and then we are apt to find interruptions of the pure stupor picture.
In looking over the enumeration of the ideas given above, it is very clear that these formulations differed considerably from each other.
As the clinical pictures show the relationship of stupor to other psychoses, so there is also a correlation with varying formulations of the death fancy.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "formulations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.