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Example sentences for "formerly supposed"

  • Its active ingredient, Paraguaine, formerly supposed to be a distinct principle, has from further researches into its composition been discovered to be identical with theine and caffeine--the alkaloids of tea and coffee.

  • I formerly supposed to be Fuci, but Mr. Bunbury tells me that their grass-like form agrees well with the idea of their being freshwater, and of the family Fluviales.

  • I formerly supposed them to belong to the same era as the Miocene faluns of Touraine; but, whether they may not rather be ascribed to the older Pliocene epoch is a question which farther inquiries and comparisons must determine.

  • Bone of a reptile, formerly supposed to be the ulna of a Cetacean; from the Great Oolite of Enstone, near Woodstock.

  • The bile; -- formerly supposed to be the seat and cause of irascibility.

  • A fancied nutritive juice, formerly supposed to originate in the blood, to repair losses of the system, and to promote its increase.

  • A sirup prepared from the maiden-hair, formerly supposed to have medicinal properties.

  • Defn: The quality of being incompressible, or incapable of reduction in volume by pressure; -- formerly supposed to be a property of liquids.

  • Fairy rings or circles, the circles formed in grassy lawns by certain fungi (as Marasmius Oreades), formerly supposed to be caused by fairies in their midnight dances.

  • The quality of being incompressible, or incapable of reduction in volume by pressure; -- formerly supposed to be a property of liquids.

  • A fatty substance, extracted from animal fats and certain vegetable oils, formerly supposed to be a definite compound of glycerin and margaric acid, but now known to be simply a mixture or combination of tristearin and tripalmitin.

  • A gummy liquor that exudes from embalmed flesh when heated; -- formerly supposed to have magical and medicinal properties.

  • A Silurian fossil, formerly supposed to consist of eggs.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "formerly supposed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another form; boiled eggs; brought forth; chronic disease; dining room; for here; formerly called; formerly known; formerly mentioned; formerly related; formerly supposed; formerly used; formerly written; full salvation; game played; guard duty; inch shell; inverse ratio; less depressed; loud cheer; mother will; salmon trout; small lakes; that has; unconscious selection; wheeled cart