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Example sentences for "footedness"

Lexicographically close words:
footboard; footboy; footbridge; foote; footed; footemen; footer; footers; footfall; footfalls
  1. When a single attribute such as four-footedness is generalized to represent the class four-footed objects, the notion itself is relatively simple.

  2. That is the worst of the Montenegrins; they rely so implicitly on the sure-footedness of their ponies that they ride up anywhere, only condescending to dismount for very steep descents.

  3. With the sure-footedness of long practice he swarmed lightly upward, past cave after cave, until he came to rest a few feet below the yawning hole marking the entrance to Gerdak's dwelling.

  4. Within a week he was bounding about the trees with a sure-footedness and celerity that brought praise from his companion.

  5. The Yaqui gained; he might have had wings; he leaped from jagged crust to jagged crust; his sure-footedness was a wonderful thing.

  6. The little bandit appeared to have the sure-footedness of a mountain sheep.

  7. The worthy president was toiling onward at a rate unexampled in the history either of himself or his steed; the excellence of the latter consisting in sure-footedness rather than rapidity.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "footedness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.