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Example sentences for "foot high"

  • This being within about 110 pounds of a ton, it may be stated, in round numbers, that, by the evaporation of a cubic inch of water under these circumstances, a force is obtained equal to that which would raise a ton weight a foot high.

  • A pint of water, therefore, and two ounces of common coal, are thus rendered capable of doing as much work as is equivalent to seventy-four tons raised a foot high.

  • A bushel of coals usually raises forty thousand tons of water a foot high; but it has on some occasions raised sixty thousand tons the same height.

  • In its evaporation it swells into two hundred and sixteen gallons of steam, with a mechanical force sufficient to raise a weight of thirty-seven tons a foot high.

  • The plant grows about a foot high, is not uncommon, and to be found in flourishing abundance on the Kentish coast.

  • It grows about a foot high, and is stiff and rigid.

  • Daring June, the common pellitory of the wall spreads over many a rocky spot, sometimes trailing its stems over the surface, and at others rising erect, a foot high.

  • The leaves are divided so finely as to appear as if they were made of vegetable hair, and the plant is dwarf and neat in habit, from 6 inches to 1 foot high; easy of growth in ordinary soils, and perfectly hardy and perennial.

  • The plant varies a good deal; I have seen specimens of it about a foot high, with leaves comparatively small and stiff and rigid, as if cast in a mould, by the side of others of thrice that development, and of the usual texture.

  • Thare is 2 kinds of politeness, the ripe, and the too mutch ripe politeness; a goose has a grate deal of this last kind ov politeness; i have seen them lower their heds while going into a barn door, that was 18 foot high.

  • I hav seen a hen fly out ov a good warm shelter, on the 15th ov January, when the snow was 3 foot high, and lite on the top ov a stun wall, and coolly set thare, and freeze tew deth.

  • They kan run, on a unmown meaddo, as fast as ahoss, with their heds about 2 foot high, and their whole boddy bileing with muscles.

  • Therefore here is evidence in support of Mr. Pycroft’s 1 foot high and 6 inch wide wicket, to say nothing of the unimpeachable value of his own statements.

  • They played with two upright stumps, 1 foot high, 2 feet apart, with a cross stump over them and a hole dug beneath this cross stump.

  • The point, therefore, that I want to light on is the date and circumstances of the change from wickets of two stumps 1 foot high and 2 feet apart, to wickets of two stumps 1 foot high, and only 6 inches apart.

  • Flower globose, nodding on a scape a foot high; it is difficult to fancy any resemblance between its shape and a side-saddle, but it is not very unlike a pillion.

  • She always wore powder with a large toupee made of horsehair on her head, nearly half a foot high, over which her front hair was turned up; a cap over it, which knotted under the chin, and three or four curls hanging down her neck.

  • The Body grows strait, about 12 or 14 foot high, without Leaf or Branch, except at the Head.

  • When this Tree first springs out of the Ground, it comes up with two Leaves; and by that time it is a Foot high, two more springs up in the inside of them; and in a short time after two more within them; and so on.

  • The clusters of pure-white starry blossoms appear in May and June, on stalks about 1 foot high, and are keeled with green behind.

  • It grows about a foot high, having striated leaves, and deep purple blossoms (as shown in Plate 20, fig.

  • Californian species, about 1 foot high, and remarkable for its drooping bright orange-scarlet blossoms, the interior of which is yellow blotched with purple.

  • Although the filling of this pit was chiefly sand, there was a cavity at the bottom a foot high in the center, over which the sand filling was arched as shown in the figure.

  • They grow in a loose bunch, with several stems, a few inches to a foot high.

  • This is quite tall, the slender, rather weak stems being sometimes over a foot high, with smooth leaves, often with some hairs on the veins of the under side.

  • Grafted trees bear berries in great profusion from the time they are only a foot high, and are highly ornamental.

  • Its neat dwarf growth, and flowering as it does when hardly a foot high, renders it a choice subject for the Alpine garden.

  • The first mentioned grows about a foot high, with rather large leaves, and cymes of white flowers on long slender footstalks; while S.

  • He was not lesse than 6 foot high: very beautifull in youth--I remember him: and of great courage, but a great plunderer and cruell.

  • She considerd with herselfe the time that she was riding, and how many miles might be rode at that rate in that time, and that it must be some great person's house, for the roome was 12 foot high; and she could know the chamber if she sawe it.

  • And so it was; she was now not quite a foot high, and her face light-ed up at the thought that she was now the right size to go through the small door and get out to that love-ly gar-den.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foot high" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cold frame; excellent painter; five members; foot deep; foot high; foot jelly; foot level; foot long; foot pounds; foot soldiers; foot square; foot thick; foot trefoil; foot wide; football game; footed mouse; free society; growing role; handle them; judicial astrology; loved them; lower back; music director; should learn; though sometimes; would wait