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Example sentences for "flumes"

Lexicographically close words:
flukes; fluky; flum; flume; flumen; flumina; flumine; fluminis; flummery; flung
  1. His eyes strayed from the intricate system of pipes and flumes to the cloud of white vapour that rose from the shaft house where the never-tiring steam-point drills forced their way slowly down, down, down into the eternal frost.

  2. In the canons great dams were constructed to catch the flow from the melting snows of the mountains, and miles of flumes were built to carry the water to the mining grounds.

  3. Alfalfa is raised by irrigation, the best method being from flumes opening into indentations, not so deep as furrows, from which the water spreads, flooding the whole surface.

  4. In the drifting fragments of one of their forgotten flumes washed from the bank, he fancied he saw an omen of the disintegration and decay of the Lone Star claim.

  5. The flumes are frequently carried along precipitous mountain slopes, and across valleys, supported on trestles.

  6. The pipes are not painted, and it has been suggested that they would suffer in their exposed position in case of a bush fire, a contingency to which, of course, flumes are also liable.

  7. The cross section of the flumes shows an elliptical bottom and straight sides consisting of wooden staves held together by iron and steel ribs.

  8. The cane, stripped of its leaves, passes from the flumes under the rollers of the crushing-mill, where it is subjected to a pressure of five or six tons.

  9. There's a point below the Springs where the current boils through great flumes of granite into a rocky basin.

  10. You didn't go there to build Devine flumes and dams.

  11. You don't owe him anything, for you're building those flumes and dams cheaper than he would get it done by anybody else.

  12. You wouldn't take Devine's dollars when he wanted to hire you, and now you're building flumes and dams for him.

  13. Building flumes and dams, though that will hardly convey any very clear impression to you.

  14. Building flumes is evidently more profitable than I thought it was," she said.

  15. I fancy I know rather more about flumes than you did a little while ago.

  16. While they're wanting flumes and bridges everywhere, it's a game one can pile up dollars at.

  17. In shattered ground and where water is scarce flumes are better than ditches.

  18. Ditches and flumes of wood or metal are used to bring the water for hydraulic mining from the region where it was impounded in a catch basin, often a distance of many miles.

  19. The sugar-cane is sent to the mill in long flumes that are filled with water, and the cane laid in the flumes goes down to the mill at the rate of twenty miles an hour.

  20. The torrent, dammed up above, sent its water rushing along the open flumes of scooped tree trunks striding on trestle-legs to the turbines working the stamps on the lower plateau--the mesa grande of the San Tome mountain.

  21. These eggs may be hatched in the flumes described above, though hatching-boxes are preferable.

  22. At the upper end of each of these flumes separating the ponds, there should be a gate of wire-cloth, to prevent the passage of the fish from one pond to the other; also one at the outlet of the lower pond, to prevent egress of the fish.

  23. These ponds should be connected with flumes made of plank.

  24. The flumes should have four inches of fine and coarse gravel in the bottom, making the most perfect spawning-ground.

  25. If the space they must occupy be small, make the flumes zigzag, to increase their length.

  26. In crossing ravines in this State, flumes or wrought iron pipes are used.

  27. Many miners object to flumes on account of their continual cost and danger of destruction by fire.

  28. It may be as low in January as in August, but the winter is the season of rains; and when the flood comes, it sweeps dams, flumes and every thing before it.

  29. In some cases iron tubes have been used, and although they are very expensive, yet they may pay for themselves, by preventing evaporation, leaking and soaking, which take away much of the water from flumes and ditches.

  30. River-bed claims are those beneath the surface of the river at low water, and access is obtained to them only by removing the water from the bed by flumes or ditches.

  31. High above the town of Gold Hill and clinging to the side of the mountain can be seen the flumes of the Virginia & Gold Hill Water Co.

  32. These flumes are a kind of V-shaped trough, about three feet deep, and are built on trestles after the manner of the elevated roads.

  33. It seems that in the lumber regions on the Pacific Coast, flumes are built for the purpose of carrying the lumber from the camps in the mountains to the sawmills in the valleys below.

  34. To do this flumes had to be made, and axes were in request to hew them out.

  35. They constructed dams and reservoirs, with V flumes in a number of places, making them converge as near as possible at the Summit, some six miles from Glenbrook.

  36. The flumes and pipe-lines have recently been rebuilt and repaired where necessary so that the entire system is in excellent condition and a high state of efficiency.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flumes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.