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Example sentences for "fluke"

Lexicographically close words:
fluide; fluidic; fluidity; fluids; fluit; flukes; fluky; flum; flume; flumen
  1. Note that the rear margin of the flukes of this species, unlike that of the humpback whale, is smooth, broad, and concaved distinctly towards a deep fluke notch.

  2. Fluke depth of notch Straight line parallel to the body axis Point to point 35.

  3. Tip of upper jaw to deepest part of fluke notch 2.

  4. As there were now only ten Indians to be attacked, he decided to board the boat in case it should be grappled by the fluke of his anchor.

  5. In the mean time, he lashed the anchor to the bows of the vessel in such a way that the fluke should pierce the side of the boat, and serve as a grappling iron.

  6. The liver-fluke is of constant occurrence in the livers of diseased sheep, and unless destroyed by thorough cooking will of course pass into the human economy.

  7. The embryo fluke gains admission to the sheep's body through the instrumentality of small snails, to the shells of which it attaches itself.

  8. By this time the noose had been adjusted around the mustanger's neck, carefully adjusted to avoid fluke or failure.

  9. By doin' thet I may fluke on the futmark I'm in search o'.

  10. How much for the bannock-fluke and cock-padle?

  11. Tom Fluke took the helm, and his companion departed, as he said, to have a comfortable snooze.

  12. Now I would suggest that if Vardon and Ray had dropped behind in the scoring, and had occupied other places than they did in the final aggregates, there might have been some good support for the fluke theory.

  13. I think that this is a point which has not been much realised, and it is one of importance in dealing with the idea that a fluke victory was achieved.

  14. And yet it requires absolute skill, the proper shot must be played and played thoroughly well, and it is practically impossible to fluke it.

  15. You can hardly have a fluke victory in four stroke rounds; much less can you have one in seven.

  16. Far away on the Sands you see the fluke of a ship's anchor, which from the shape when close to it we recognise to be a French pattern.

  17. She sinks ponderously in the trough of a great roller, and the anchor fluke is driven right through her bottom and holds her to the place--for hold her it would, long enough to let the breakers tear every living soul out of her!

  18. Twice Fardale had the ball down close to the visitors' line, but both times a touch-down was missed by a fluke or a fumble.

  19. If he failed it would most certainly remain a tie, as there was not enough more playing time to enable either side to score again, unless some amazing fluke should take place.

  20. Simon Fluke must be the boy's cousin, although removed a couple of degrees; but that should make no difference if Simon had any affection for his cousin, for the boy is certainly her only surviving descendant.

  21. On glancing at the contents, Mr Fluke had it again closed, and that evening he went away earlier than usual, a porter carrying the box to the nearest coach-stand.

  22. I have heard of him, and Mr Fluke has a great respect for him, I know.

  23. As Kezia had supposed, Mr Fluke continued talking or listening until it was far later than he was accustomed to retire for the night.

  24. Mr Fluke never drew back when he had once made a promise, and next day, when Captain Aggett called, Mr Fluke told him that he might take Owen, and that he himself would defray any expenses to which he might be put on the boy's account.

  25. Whenever Mr Fluke asked about the tulip, he always received the same reply: "We shall see how it gets on in a few days.

  26. At last Mr Fluke agreed to give him some work in the open air.

  27. Take his measure," she said, "and allow for his growing; remember Simon Fluke will pay for the things.

  28. Before many minutes were over Mr Fluke answered the question himself.

  29. If Simon Fluke were to refuse to receive young Owen, what would become of the boy?

  30. When Owen came down he saw Mr Fluke in the garden, holding a conference with Joseph.

  31. Mr Fluke being so used to it, was not moved by what they beheld.

  32. Notwithstanding the frequency of the common liver-fluke in the sheep and other domestic animals, its occurrence has been rare in man, and in all the cases reported it has been few in number, either single or from two to half a dozen.

  33. The common liver-fluke frequently occurs in large numbers, even hundreds, in the liver of the sheep, obstructing the bile-ducts and occasioning more or less destruction of the organ.

  34. The liver-fluke is a flat, tongue-shaped, brownish worm about an inch long and about half as wide.

  35. The boats were here hailed, to tow the whale on the larboard side, where fluke chains and other necessaries were already prepared for securing him.

  36. Death had missed him by a foot or two, but he laughed at the fluke of his escape.

  37. Each man's life depended on no more than a fluke of luck by the throw of those dice which explode as they fall.

  38. Railliet and others have recently recommended the application of lime to fluky pastures, having discovered that very weak solutions are destructive not only to fluke embryos but to snails.

  39. Portion of grass stalk bearing three encysted cercariƦ of the common liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica).

  40. The drainage of wet pastures and the avoidance of swampy lands for grazing purposes are important measures in the prevention of fluke diseases.

  41. The same authors also recommend extract of male fern for the treatment of fluke disease.

  42. It is rare that one sees a generalized edema in slaughtered cattle as a result of fluke invasion, and even in the heaviest infections of young cattle only emaciation is noticed.

  43. Hoist the fluke well up, pass the shank-painter under the inner arm and shank, bring it inboard, and belay and stop it to the timber-heads.

  44. The point at the extremity of the fluke of an anchor.

  45. Overhaul down the fish-tackle, hook the lower block to the pennant, and hook the fish-hook to the inner fluke of the anchor.

  46. Congressmen Jex and Fluke are wavering; it is believed they will desert the execrable bill.

  47. Jex and Fluke have returned to their iniquitous allegiance, with six or eight others of lesser calibre, and it is reported and believed that Tubbs and Huffy are ready to go back.

  48. The fluke of his anchor lodged right in that whale's nostril.

  49. Well, I have only been guilty of this fluke on one occasion--and that was not so very long ago--and when it happened it was at a hole a little over two hundred yards in length.

  50. If he should happen to be successful, his partner would know that it was not his usual custom, that he had played beyond himself, and that therefore there was something of the fluke in the stroke after all.

  51. The gorilla's teeth had missed the radial artery only by a fluke of fortune.

  52. A hole is cut through the fluke and the line secured to it.

  53. Only fancy where we should all be if fluke showed itself in Britannula!

  54. This was very considerate and flattering; and I heartily hoped that by some fluke or other we might be enabled to make a bag.

  55. They are so hard that if he bites the fluke of an anchor you may hear the sound and see the impression of his teeth.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fluke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    accident; adventure; anchor; blessing; break; capture; carry; casualty; chance; coincidence; contingency; contingent; fish; fluke; gain; hap; happening; hazard; luck; win