Generally then, the value of colour lies firstly in its correspondence with nature, for upon this depends its harmony and the assistance it lends to the recognition of the beauty in the whole composition.
The answer is, that the value of any International Council depends firstly on the intelligence which it is likely to possess, and secondly on the degree in which it is really representative.
The furniture belongs to him, and his argument, firstly that he will be unable to realise upon it during Miss Yard's lifetime, and secondly that it may deteriorate to some extent in value before her death takes place, is quite a sound one.
The oldest known form of it was the Collozoum inerme, describedfirstly by Johannes Mueller (1856) as Sphaerozoum inerme.
But the Law contains no precept relating to the institution of the chief ruler; and yet we find therein prescriptions concerning the inferior rulers: firstly (Ex.
Firstly come those which exhibit a non-repressed, non-concealed desire; these are dreams of the infantile type, becoming ever rarer among adults.
There isfirstly the climate, which for the purpose of cotton spinning is unsurpassed elsewhere, and which became of the first order of importance when fine spinning was developed.
Firstly it allows of differentiation of industrial processes, and this, of necessity, is accompanied by increasing returns.
The practical outcome of the state of matters which he recognises is firstly negative, that he must not allow the world to influence him at all, and, secondly, positive, that he must strive to be united with Brahma.
And firstly we notice the rise of rationalism, that is of the impulse to criticise belief and to ask for that element in it which approves itself to the reflecting mind.
There is firstly the assent of Divine Faith; and secondly there is the assent of religious obedience.
For firstly we consider the end; then we acquire perfect knowledge of the end; thirdly, we fix our intention on the end; of which the second is an addition to the first, and the third an addition to both.
To see this, we must consider that the origin of one thing from another is firstly inferred from movement: for that anything be changed from its disposition by movement evidently arises from some cause.
Whether This Name "Father" Is Applied to God, Firstly As a Personal Name?
But liberty of will is directly and firstly ordained to good rather than to evil.
Firstly by instigating them to sin; and thus they are not sent by God to assail us, but are sometimes permitted to do so according to God's just judgments.
Objection 1: It would seem that this name "Father" is not applied to God, firstly as a personal name.
Now this virtual quantity is measured firstly by its source--that is, by the perfection of that form or nature: such is the greatness of spiritual things, just as we speak of great heat on account of its intensity and perfection.
She scorned him, firstly on account of his fraud, and secondly because he had wounded her pride by his quiet deliberate snubbing of her friendship.
Two points among the pottery finds of this period are worth noting; firstlythat they included a fragment of Cypriote “white-slip” ware, secondly that Geometrical patterns mingle with the Mycenaean in the upper layers.
The Epictetan cycle is transitional, and a time of preparation, firstly in the change of technique, secondly in the evolution of cup-decoration, thirdly in the discovery of new motives and extending the scope of subjects.
The Asadis then sing songs, firstly of a most obscene character, and afterwards in praise of the goddess.
Firstly they are nature spirits, similar to those revered in China and Tibet.
Firstly Tibet, which had become an important military power, was now brought into contact both in peace and war with China and Central Asia.
Firstly a Prâkrit anthology of which Dutreuil de Rhins discovered a fragmentary MS.
Firstly the posts on the old military frontier near Tun-huang have furnished a series of dated documents ranging from 98 B.
Firstly he made monastic discipline stricter, insisting on celibacy and frequent services of prayer: secondly he greatly reduced, although he did not annihilate, the tantric and magical element in Lamaism.
Firstly several incongruous observances have obtruded themselves into the Brahmanic ritual.
Firstly he held that caste need not prevent a man from rightly worshipping God and he admitted even Moslims as members of his community.
Firstly it influenced all departments of Hindu religion and thought, even those nominally opposed to it.
He has firstly to discover the conceptions and laws which belong to the understanding as such, and secondly to vindicate their application to individual things.
Firstly they execute certain depredations, such as mangling cattle, in their human shapes, but in such a state of hallucination that they believe themselves to be wolves and are regarded as such by others in a like predicament.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "firstly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: chiefly; especially; first; foremost; initially; mainly; originally; primarily