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Example sentences for "officiated"

Lexicographically close words:
officially; officials; officiant; officiants; officiate; officiates; officiating; officier; officiers; officii
  1. He also officiated as general conductor, standing in the pit behind the chef d'orchestre, so as to have a view of the score, and drilling his musical troops in true military fashion.

  2. The daughter was the prima donna, the mother had to content herself with secondary parts, the son officiated as baritone and bass.

  3. The able and consistent Hicks officiated as croupier on the occasion; most of the gentlemen of the Club were present, and H.

  4. I supposed myself acquainted with all the approved renderings of the Episcopal morning service, but when the clergyman who officiated at the Abbey began to twang out "Dearly beloved brethren," &c.

  5. Ashbel Smith, from Texas, officiated as Chief Justice; a Jury of six ladies and six gentlemen were empaneled; James T.

  6. Our heroine was also much entertained in the early part of the performance, particularly during a grand concerto, by observing the musician who officiated as leader, and was a foreigner of great skill in his profession.

  7. After the judges came the Bishop of Chester, the King's chaplain, who had officiated on the present occasion, and who was in his full pontifical robes.

  8. This worthy was an attorney from London, who had officiated as clerk of the court at the assizes at Lancaster, where his quickness had so much pleased Roger Nowell, that he sent for him to Read to manage this particular business.

  9. Mr. Drake was also present at the ordination of Mr. Haywood, of Potterspury, in the year 1740, and he also officiated in the ordination service and signed the certificate of the late Rev.

  10. Our assisting friends officiated respectively with an amiable order and propriety, the Divine Spirit was eminently with us, and his blessing, we hope, will attend the important transactions of the day.

  11. The very cross is still to be seen upon the wall, where the altar was erected, and where officiated the Grand Cardinal of Spain, and others of the highest religious dignitaries of the land.

  12. Leading the wandering life of an artist, he was next attracted to Bath, where he played in the Pump-room band, and also officiated as organist in the Octagon chapel.

  13. When the upright Jonas Hanway officiated as commissioner in the victualling department, he declined to receive a present of any kind from a contractor; refusing thus to be biassed in the performance of his public duty.

  14. When in India, it was no uncommon thing for him to weary out three pundits, who officiated as his clerks, in one day, he himself taking rest only in change of employment.

  15. Another rumor states that being exasperated at his coachman for disobedience to orders, he shot him on the spot, threw his body into the coach where Lady Byron was seated, and, mounting the box, officiated in his stead.

  16. The worthy clergyman who officiated as chaplain at the Abbey, seeing my zeal in the cause, informed me of a considerable tract of the ancient forest, still in existence about ten miles distant.

  17. The ministers who had officiated previous to this time, were Rev.

  18. Once in fifteen days each member of the order officiated as maitre d'hotel of De Poutrincourt's table.

  19. In the village of Willoughton, Lincolnshire, more than seventy years ago, there lived an old dame named Betty Wells, who officiated as parish clerk.

  20. On one occasion a locum tenens, who officiated for a few weeks, was stone deaf.

  21. A clerk named Turner, who officiated at Alnwick, was a great character, and in spite of his odd ways was esteemed for his genuine worth and fidelity to the three vicars under whom he served.

  22. Margaret (who had officiated as pianiste during that time) admitted that he possessed that feature in the plural number, and knelt down before the fire to warm her hands.

  23. The same principle would apply, but with much less force, to the twenty-four courses of priests, each of which in its turn officiated at the Temple.

  24. Of the more active participants in the hanging, Pat Collins, who officiated as hangman, and who flogged Miller, was undeniably a hard citizen.

  25. Francis Pierz, a Catholic priest, officiated at Crow Wing and Belle Prairie until 1870, when he returned to his home in Austria.

  26. He officiated twelve years at Bristol Harbor, England, as superintendent of docks and vessels.

  27. For the past fifteen years he has officiated as cashier of the Hudson First National Bank.

  28. The little chapel in which Herbert officiated is perhaps half as long again as the room in which I am writing, but it is four or five feet narrower,--and I do not live in a palace.

  29. Ketch~, or JACK KETCH, the popular name for a public hangman; derived from a person of that name who officiated in the reign of Charles II.

  30. Couple-beggar~, a degraded person, who officiated as a clergyman in performing marriages in the Fleet Prison.

  31. He granted the sanctuaries certain appanages, and established a priesthood answering to that which officiated in the rival kingdom: "whosoever would he consecrated him, that there might be priests of the high places.

  32. Solomon officiated and preached at the consecration of the temple (1 Kings viii.

  33. The king appears to have continued to be a sort of high priest, and to have officiated at certain times and occasions.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "officiated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.