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Example sentences for "firelocks"

Lexicographically close words:
firefly; fireless; firelight; firelit; firelock; fireman; firemen; firent; fireplace; fireplaces
  1. Another of our party advised me to answer him civilly, for, he said, "I see four men from different quarters who have their firelocks levelled at you.

  2. We had not ridden further than a few yards when two men rushed from the cover with their firelocks to their shoulders, and called out "Alto, alto.

  3. These are but precautions--these are the firelocks which our old soldiers have at their sides, loaded and cocked, but at present lying quiet on the grass.

  4. We continued to advance at double quick time, our firelocks at the trail, our bonnets in our hands.

  5. Thrice we waved our bonnets, and thrice we cheered; brought our firelocks to the charge, and forced them back through the town.

  6. He jumped upon the arms purposely to overturn them into the river, when he found he couldn't get the boat, and all our firelocks over with him.

  7. The better to be prepared for any sudden attack, bayonets had been quietly fixed, and the firelocks at the full cock, carried at the trail--this latter precaution after the detached files had crossed the fences.

  8. I defy them, if they're not stronger than we saw them this morning, to get into the house, with six good firelocks to defend it.

  9. The missionaries have assigned a very absurd reason for firelocks not being used in China; they say the dampness of the air is apt to make the flint miss fire.

  10. Through the spreading haze we caught fleeting glimpses of dark figures running, and our firelocks banged out briskly, but could neither hinder nor stay the doom of those poor, rough homes.

  11. As for himself, he said that he meant to march at the first drum-beat and carry his hammer if firelocks were lacking.

  12. As I looked out the drums came crashing past, and behind them tramped the Highlanders, kilts and sporrans swinging, firelocks aslant and claymore blades shining in the sun.

  13. The elders coughed in a satisfied way and rubbed their hands.

  14. The river was narrow and the level land on either side covered with grass.

  15. The springs of the Firelocks are to be oil'd that they may go of easely and toghater.

  16. The Firelocks must be well flinted and made very bright.

  17. A heavy rain had come on about midnight, and now fell with so much violence, that some precautions were necessary, in order to prevent the firelocks from being rendered useless by wet.

  18. The effect of the lightning, as it glanced for a moment upon the bivouac, and displayed the firelocks piled in regular order, and the men stretched like so many corpses beside them, was extremely fine.

  19. They fell by the hands of men whom they absolutely did not see; for the Americans, without so much as lifting their faces above the rampart, swung their firelocks by one arm over the wall, and discharged them directly upon their heads.

  20. A deadly discharge from their firelocks threw the Royalists into confusion; after a stubborn and desperate resistance their line wavered, when Lilburne's horse dashed up and drove the remnant of them in confusion from their position.

  21. I hear you have some of our late Irish army in your company; they very well know me, and that my firelocks used not parly.

  22. I could mark, by the clank of their firelocks and their regular step, that they were soldiers.

  23. A wild cheer from the mob proclaimed the victory; but at the same instant a rattling of ramrods and a clank of firelocks was heard in front, and from the rear of the soldiers a company marched out in echelon, and drew up as if on parade.

  24. Not ten pounds of powder, not twenty firelocks fit for use, could be collected within the walls.

  25. He told them, "He would try the right wing with the Blue Regiment, and the 400 Firelocks which were in the intervals of the French Horse;" and wished all the Field Officers to be ready at their several posts.

  26. They carry all sorts of old firelocks and are "falling in.

  27. We could only see the flash of the enemy's firelocks while we were perfectly visible to them, standing as we did in the midst of their camp fires.

  28. Footnote I: I have seen one of these firelocks in the collection of ancient arms, Rue de Bacq.

  29. Whereupon my brother and Esau quickened their exertions, and soon reached the opposite side of the river, while the soldiers were banning and tearing with rage to be so outwitted, and their firelocks rendered useless for the time.

  30. My companions in the same moment rushed on the other soldiers, dashed their teeth down their throats, and, twisting their firelocks from their hands, set the prisoner free.

  31. He quickened his pace into a run, followed by the six soldiers; but as they attained the first traverse of the ascent, the flash of a dozen of firelocks from various parts of the pass parted in quick succession and deliberate aim.

  32. It rained so hard, that our firelocks would have been of no use, and had they attacked us, we must necessarily have been slaughtered without committing the least execution upon them.

  33. So little danger had been apprehended from the natives in the former journey, that three firelocks had been considered sufficient for our defence.

  34. I hear you have some of our late Irish army in your company: they very well know me and that my Firelocks use not to parley.

  35. Some soldiers, who slept in the opposite apartment, alarmed at the noise, came forth with their firelocks and expelled those ruffians from the barrack, after having killed two or three of them.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "firelocks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.