The name arose from the story current in Italy that Guarneri made some Fiddles whilst undergoing imprisonment, and that the gaoler's daughter procured him the necessary materials, which were of the coarsest kind.
The remnant of this group of Cremonese Fiddles was dispersed by Messrs.
Chesterfield, Lord, his estimate of Fiddles and Fiddling .
The Hamilton collection of Fiddles was doubtless dispersed long before the rare MSS.
The terms not being insurmountable, a bargain was struck, and the dealer in Fiddles walked away, taking his newly-acquired purchase under his arm.
The time at last arrived when this pile of Fiddles was to be dispersed.
It may be that Continental connoisseurs have credited themselves with the works of our best makers, and expatriated them, while they have inexorably allowed bad English Fiddles to retain their nationality.
The Gillott collection ofFiddles had its origin in a picture deal.
One Jeacocke, a baker by trade, and a lover of music by nature, used to bake his Fiddles in sawdust for a week whenever their tones showed symptoms of not being up to his standard of quality.
His house is one vast warehouse, with Fiddles on the walls, Fiddles on the staircases, and Fiddles hanging like stalactites from the ceilings.
Strauss says that Felix is all the time buying up old fiddles for a side line, and if he makes a cent at it he makes a couple thousand dollars a year.
Moreover," Aaron continued, "here is the scroll which it is ever so much finer as them other fiddles you could buy for fifty oder sixty dollars.
I wouldn't give you two dollars for all them genu-ine fellers' fiddles in creation; and that's all there is to it.
We dance and sing the year along, And loud our fiddles play; And no day goes without its song, While every month is May.
The Cos d'Estoumet of the famous St. Estephe crus is still made by the peasants treading out the grapes, foule a pied, to the accompaniment of pipes and fiddles as in the days of Louis XIV.
When the human fiddles are about six years old they go into the primary schools and up thru the grammar grades, and get the first string--the little E string.
The trouble is so many of these human fiddles think they are an orchestra right away.
We must show these little fiddles they must go back into school and go up thru all the departments and institutions necessary to give them the full complement of strings for their life symphonies.
Nature was aware of graver things than fiddles and the dance; it seemed that night as if the time for such childish follies had passed forever from the earth.
They could now hear the sound of music, the shrill quick scrap of a pair of fiddles and the notes of guitars.
The air resounds with the sounds of music, fiddles and tom-toms, dulcimers and drums.
Stringed instruments are represented by a few squeaky one-stringed fiddles and an instrument that resembles a zither.
On Christmas Eve Andrew heard fiddles and music far out at sea; and when he came out, he saw a glow of light that came from a great Northland schooner, which was gliding toward the land--yet such a ship he had never yet seen.
And every Christmas night there was the glow and shimmer of light, the sound of fiddles and music, of laughter and merriment, and of dancing on the deserted schooner.
The fiddles and bass-viol would not accord, and the parson grew impatient.
The old fiddleswere wanted no more, and were hung up in the cottages as relics of the "good old times.
The ante-Communion Service was read from the desk, separated from the liturgy and sermon by such renderings of Tate and Brady as the unruly gang of volunteers with fiddles and wind instruments in the gallery pleased to contribute.
Soon, however, the clerk and his broom followed Moses and Aaron, the fiddles and the bassoons into the land of shadows.
At four o'clock the fiddlers put up their fiddles and the children went home; fairies and shepherdesses and pages and princesses all jabbering gleefully about the splendid time they had had.
The fiddleswere squeaking merrily, and lovely little forms flew past the windows in time to the music.
When dey danced, dey always usedfiddles to make the music.
Had parade bout five miles long wid horses dancin bout en fiddlesjust a playin.
When the satin slippers were worn through the fiddles stopped, and the negro boys set the table.
De songs am de ole timers, sich as Swannee River, Ole Black Joe and dere am de fiddles and banjos dat dey play.
There was fiddles make from gourds and banjoes from sheep hides.
These tightening strings upon our spirit's fiddles Tuneful or out of tune where music hungers From writhing bow, these intertwining riddles Mazes and labyrinths and storms and languors.
And so are we--now, then, for thefiddles and dances!
The sound of the fiddles came down like strange voices from out the woods and I was that frightened--" "Poor Pani!
Groups up on the Parade were dancing to the inspiriting music, or in another corner two or three fiddles played the merriest of tunes.
On approaching a high paling at the rear of the house the scraping of fiddles was audible.
The sharp fiddles are already beginning to squeak out a gay galop, and I am tapping impatient time with my foot to that brisk, emphasized music which has always seemed to Barbara and me exhilarating past the power of words to express.
I am even sensible of a little feeling of funny elation at the sound of the fiddlesgayly squeaking.
And afterward he would come home with a headache, and ghostly fiddles would vex him all night long with their thin incessancy.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fiddles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.