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Example sentences for "feel assured"

  • I feel assured that it is a toast which the numerous assembly I see before me will drink in bumpers.

  • In all this, I feel assured I give expression to the sentiments of every member of the Royal Commission.

  • The reader, we feel assured, will excuse a description of this unsavoury dressing, beautifully administered on behalf of a republican state that makes it a means of crushing out the love of liberty.

  • Considering, then, that Nicholas had been separated by Grabguy from his wife and children, the indulgent reader, we feel assured, will excuse our hero for falling passionately in love with this woman.

  • The reader, we feel assured, will excuse us for not following Colonel Mohpany through his speech, so laudatory of the patriotism of his friends, so much interrupted by applause.

  • Yet dark as all the labours of the Lord's servants in these countries appears, I feel assured, that prophecy points them out as specially connected with many of the great events of the latter days.

  • I doubt much of its efficacy in altering legislation, while I feel assured, that if ever it fall in the way of one whose hours are numbered, it must add indescribably to his misery.

  • I feel assured that a great deal of the butterfly-hunting and beetle-gathering that we see around us is done in this spirit They are a set of idle folk anxious to indulge their indolence without reproach.

  • Nevertheless we feel assured that in making them public, we shall not betray the informants, concealing as we do their names and the estates to which they belong.

  • He thinks this feeling will continue till the apprenticeship is entirely broken up, and the people begin to feel assured of complete freedom, when it will disappear.

  • My Lord--We feel assured that no apology is necessary, in requesting your attention to the subject of this letter.

  • The walk twice a day will benefit me, I feel assured.

  • That this is a false and inadequate conception of Byron's 'Astarte' I feel assured, and trust that I shall yet find the key to this enigma.

  • That you can do this I feel assured; that you will, I do most sincerely trust.

  • It has been neglected from the inevitable press of circumstances by which I have been surrounded, which neglect, I feel assured, you will appreciate and forgive, when I have detailed the following facts.

  • I feel assured my husband is there, if living, and thither I shall go at once.

  • If I am successful in making my business arrangements, as I feel assured I shall be, then all will be well.

  • I feel assured that, had we married three years ago, I should have been a much happier man.

  • Make me only one promise; whatever pledge you give, I feel assured that no influence, Venetia, will ever induce you to forfeit it.

  • I am sure my uncle will do something; I have a secret idea that the Bishop is all this time working for papa; I feel assured I shall see Cherbury and Cadurcis again, and Cadurcis will be your home.

  • There is nothing that you can confess with which I am not acquainted, Venetia; and I feel assured, I have ever felt assured, that your only reason for concealment was a desire to save me pain.

  • Rapp and Berthier were with the Emperor when the assassin was arrested, and in relating what I heard from them I feel assured that I am giving the most faithful account of all the circumstances connected with the event.

  • I take a great deal of exercise; but yet I feel assured that my presentiment will be fulfilled.

  • After relating to me this conversation Duroc said, "you must, of course, feel assured that I said all I think of you, and I will take an opportunity of reminding him of you.

  • The naval honour of my family will, I feel assured, have a worthy representative in my noble nephew, and I will not have one word breathed in doubt or mistrust on the subject.

  • She is withdrawing her confidence from her mother, to bestow it on one whom I feel assured is unworthy of it.

  • For I feel assured that my affection is well known to you, while in your wisdom, and as you are well versed in the Holy Scriptures, you perceive from what fountain I have drawn all that is herein contained.

  • Yet, inasmuch as I feel assured that it will not so happen unless God shall be altogether exasperated against us, I trust that he will avert so great a danger.

  • There is, I feel assured, a market for us all.

  • So we feel assured that a certain number of railway accidents, as they are called, will continue to occur--be as broad gauge as you will!

  • Still, I feel assured that he will next appear in a new part.

  • I feel assured that no thoughtful man can visit Shiba's temple without being impressed with the high perfection to which the Japanese have attained in the arts; a perfection which the foreign mind can rarely grasp.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "feel assured" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    before related; call upon; different line; feel ashamed; feel assured; feel bound; feel certain; feel inclined; feel kind; feel myself; feel obliged; feel ourselves; feel pain; feeling like; feeling that; feeling very; feelings were; feels himself; feels like; former paper; four columns; read about; repel invasion; strong desire; three yards; uncommon thing