Beautiful paths wind along the hillsides and through the woods, and here, where the ruins of Bardon Tower rise high above the valley, is a favorite resort of artists.
The Torrent Walk, where the stream from the mountain is spanned by picturesque bridges, is a favorite resort of the artist, and also one of the most charming bits of scenery in the neighborhood of this beautiful town.
It was a favorite resort of market-men, and ceased to be a public house about a quarter of a century ago.
It was first kept by Robert Turner, and was noted for its punch, and was a favorite resort of public men.
Gordon, who entertains the public, and as of old, the house is a favorite resort of pleasure seeking parties.
On the western slope of Sideling Hill, about midway between the summit and the foot, Thomas Norris kept a tavern, which was a favorite resort of wagoners.
This has ever been a favorite resortof parties in pursuit of pleasure.
This old house was a favorite resort of wagoners, and night after night echoed the once familiar notes of the great highway, in the days of its glory.
This palace is a favorite resort of Santa Anna, and affords an extended view of the whole valley of Mexico.
The Three Buttes, or the Sweet Grass Hills, some sixty miles to the northward of us, are a favorite resort of the Blackfeet, who say that Providence created these hills for the tribe to ascend and look out for buffalo.
The avenue of trees beyond is the Alameda, along the bank of the Darro, a favorite resort in evenings, and a rendezvous of lovers in the summer nights, when the guitar may be heard at a late hour from the benches along its walls.
The average temperature is eighty degrees in summer and thirty in winter; hence it is a favorite resort.
It is a favorite resort of citizens when rurally inclined, as it commands fine fresh air and a good view of the city.
At length it happened, one calm day in the latter part of summer, that I was relaxing myself from the toils of severe study by a day's amusement in fishing in those waters which had been the favorite resort of my boyhood.
It was a favorite resort of the Dutch part of the community from being always held by a Dutch line of landlords, and retaining an air and relish of the good old times.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "favorite resort" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.