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Example sentences for "faunal"

Lexicographically close words:
faults; faulty; faun; fauna; faunae; faunas; faune; fauns; fauor; fauorable
  1. Once started, life, as paleontology shows, develops along both the floral and the faunal lines side by side, taking on complexity with time.

  2. Fossil remains of the plants and creatures that have one after the other inhabited the earth show that the land has been steadily rising both in floral and faunal estimation as a habitat from the earliest ages to the present day.

  3. Faunal areas from which Micronesian birds have been derived.

  4. Faunal areas from which the resident land birds and fresh-water birds of Micronesia have been derived.

  5. Figure 8 shows the faunal areas from which the endemic land and fresh-water birds of Micronesia have been derived.

  6. Table 11 lists the birds concerned, by faunal areas from which the birds have been derived and shows the number of kinds of birds which are present as a result of these colonizations.

  7. Nor have other lost or love-lorn maidens, Lucindas or Altisidoras from enchanted castle, aided us to add one element of romance to purely faunal studies.

  8. Winckelmann's Geschichte der Kunst, and also added notes to some of G.

  9. In this case there could be no defence and he was found guilty.

  10. At the council of Trent no more than a passing allusion was made to the subject of fasting.

  11. Zoroastrianism is frequently given as another, but hardly correctly.

  12. It is extremely questionable, in particular, whether fasting be so efficient as it is sometimes supposed to be in protecting against temptation to fleshly sin.

  13. Paul refused to give way, and in 272 the emperor Aurelian was asked to decide between the rivals.

  14. As matter of fact, the Reformed churches in no case gave up the custom of observing fast days, though by some churches the number of such days was greatly reduced.

  15. The Church of England has retained a considerable list of fasts; though Hooker (E.

  16. Among the Mahommedans, the month Ramadan, in which the first part of the Koran is said to have been received, is by command of the prophet observed as a fast with extraordinary rigour.

  17. He contributed many scientific memoirs to the Annales and the Memoires of the museum of natural history.

  18. It is the only one which Mahommedanism enjoins; but the doctors of the law recommend a considerable number of voluntary fasts, as for example on the tenth day of the month Moharram.

  19. The Brahmans themselves on the eleventh day after the full moon and the eleventh day after the new "abstain for sixty hours from every kind of sustenance"; and some have a special fast every Monday in November.

  20. We may define as a fourth faunal area that of the Kuro Shiwo district itself, which is distinctly tropical and contrasts strongly with that of the inshore bays behind it.

  21. Two faunal areas of fresh waters may be fairly distinguished, although broadly overlapping.

  22. The faunal isolation of Hawaii may be correlated with the direction of the oceanic currents.

  23. A fifth faunal area, closely related to that of the Black Current, is formed by the volcanic and coral reefs of the Riu Kiu Archipelago.

  24. In the scantiness of its faunal list, the Yukon agrees with the Mackenzie River, and with Arctic rivers generally.

  25. A north and south coast-line, like that of the East Pacific, however unbroken, permits great faunal differences.

  26. Before taking up the students of faunal groups, we may, out of chronological order, consider the researches of three great taxonomists, who have greatly contributed to the modern system of the classification of fishes.

  27. The local faunal work in various nations has been very extensive.

  28. The minor faunal areas of shore fishes may be grouped as follows: East Atlantic.

  29. While each species has a fairly definite northern or southern limit, the boundaries of a faunal district as a whole must be stated in the most general terms.

  30. The broader questions of the boundaries of faunae and of faunal areas I shall bring up only incidentally.

  31. But these faunal districts have no sharp barriers.

  32. There are two main sources of faunal resemblances: first, the absence of any barriers permitting the actual mingling of the species; second, the likeness of temperature and shore configuration on either side of an imperfect barrier.

  33. The gap between the disappearance of the earlier race and the arrival of the newer has thus been overlooked, and no account has been taken of the great intervening faunal and geographical changes.

  34. Author's Collection of About 50 Separata of Faunal and Systematic Papers on N.

  35. It is apparent that there is a faunal "break" or region of transition in the vicinity of Tampico, in extreme southeastern Tamaulipas.

  36. Faunal relationships and geographic distribution of mammals in Oklahoma.

  37. A vertebrate faunal survey of the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona.

  38. Faunal relationships and geographic distribution of mammals in Sonora, Mexico.

  39. A contribution to the ecology and faunal relationships of the mammals of the Davis Mountain Region, Southwestern Texas.

  40. Goodwin and from photographs, and with 40 faunal maps.

  41. The volume contains photographs of almost every species described; maps showing the distribution of each species; photographs of the distinctive vegetation; and also maps of the faunal areas and life-zones of east equatorial Africa.

  42. And, while the work of the collector is still necessary, the work of the trained faunal naturalist, who is primarily an observer of the life histories of the wild things, is even more necessary.

  43. Finally at the very bottom of the mammalian scale are two small forms living in the Australian faunal region.

  44. Savage (MS) relied on the paleogeographic maps of Lloyd (1963) to hypothesize the extent and centers of differentiation of the Middle American Faunal Element.

  45. The genus is considered to be part of the Middle American Faunal Element; the species are thought to have differentiated in response to ecological diversity and historical opportunities provided by Cenozoic changes in physiography and climate.

  46. A Review of the Summer Birds of a part of the Catskill Mountains, with prefatory remarks on the faunal and floral features of the region.

  47. Committee on Classification and Nomenclature since the publication of the Color Key in 1903; the second contains a list of faunal ornithological papers which it is hoped will add greatly to the reference value of the book.

  48. Pennsylvania, with Remarks on the Faunal Position of the Region.

  49. Arctic Basin faunal precis-animals taken mainly from arctic drifting stations and their significance for biogeography and water-mass recognition.

  50. Some highlights on the faunal life of the Alaskan Peninsula.

  51. The existence of faunal regions in Jurassic times was first pointed out by J.

  52. An analysis of faunal relationships (Table 2) shows that the faunas of the rainforests of southern El Peten and lowland Alta Verapaz are closely related.

  53. Notes on the measurement of faunal resemblance.

  54. Apparently the biggest faunal changes take place between southern El Peten and the Tikal-Uaxactun area, and between the latter and Yucatan.

  55. The butterflies of this subfamily have been arranged, so far as they are represented in the faunal region of which this book treats, in nine genera, which include about sixty species.

  56. Only one genus is represented in our faunal region, the genus Libythea.

  57. The range of the species is confined to the extreme northeastern part of our faunal territory.

  58. These five faunal regions are characterized by the presence of certain groups of insects which are more or less peculiar to them.

  59. It is wholly unlike any other species found within the faunal limits with which this book deals.

  60. It is one of the largest and most showy species of the genus found within our faunal limits.

  61. The field of exploration has not by any means been exhausted, and there is no doubt that in the lapse of time a number of other species will be discovered to inhabit our faunal limits.

  62. But two species of the genus are known within our faunal limits.

  63. Geology, faunal interpretations, and systematic descriptions of Chiroptera, Insectivora, and Rodentia.

  64. Faunal lists of the Tertiary Vertebrata of Nebraska and adjacent areas.

  65. Faunal lists of the Tertiary mammalia of the west.

  66. Carolinian faunal area: that area of the upper austral zone comprising the larger part of the Middle States (except the mountains), s.

  67. In Michoacan there are two major faunal assemblages, one in the lowlands, and one in the highlands.

  68. Some systematic problems still remain but are of little consequence insofar as the entire faunal picture is concerned, or are so involved as to be impractical to undertake at this time.

  69. One of the major problems that faces the worker undertaking a faunal study is the presence of species or genera of unsettled systematic status.

  70. Generally speaking, the members of the highland faunal assemblage have more restricted geographic ranges.

  71. As these rivers become low and clear they take on many of the faunal characteristics of smaller tributaries and ponds.

  72. These conditions resulted in faunal changes in which spotted bass were more prominent than in years of normal flow.

  73. Possibly this assumption represents an Old World hangover with its overemphasis upon faunal associations merely because of their tangible nature as opposed to the lack of preservation of organic plant remains.

  74. As has been pointed out, this scarcity of faunal remains lends support to the thesis that at least large game animals did not serve as significant staples.

  75. Don't you think from this that he must be a floral and faunal naturalist?

  76. A comparison of the distributions of Trionyx and Graptemys in Texas suggests a faunal break between the drainage systems of the Brazos and Colorado rivers.

  77. The large faunal break provided by the Mississippi River would seem to indicate greater age for that river than for other rivers of the Gulf Coast drainage.

  78. Therefore, it is rather surprising that no attempt has been made to present a faunal list of the amphibians or reptiles of the isthmus.

  79. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "faunal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.