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Example sentences for "farmhouses"

Lexicographically close words:
farmers; farmes; farmhand; farmhands; farmhouse; farmin; farming; farmland; farmlands; farms
  1. The neighbors from the farmhouses down the red clay road and across the gray fields and meadows gathered at the gate.

  2. A good many have been found hiding in farmhouses in the vicinity.

  3. In old-fashioned farmhouses the misletoe remains till the following Christmas Eve, when it is burned, and a fresh bough put up.

  4. The country was rolling veld dotted with wait-a-bit thorn-bushes; the farmhouses few but large; the roads heavy with sand.

  5. Farmhouses line the sides, each with its dam, its few acres of untidy crop land, and its bower of trees.

  6. He has the rustic looseness in sexual morals, and in the remoter farmhouses this looseness often took the form of much hideous and unnatural vice.

  7. All afternoon we passed roofless farmhouses crowded with women and children, and in most cases the farmer was getting forward in the work of restoration.

  8. It passes through a delightful pastoral country where the farmhouses are framed in fruit orchards and sleek cattle feed by the river pastures.

  9. Its course was lined with hospitable farmhouses and was dotted with fast-growing villages and towns.

  10. Bathing on winter nights was uncomfortable enough, we thought, but it was not the desperately chilly business that it must have been when farmhouses were heated by a single fireplace.

  11. We were not so badly off as our ancestors had been, however, for in 1865, when we young folks went home to live at the old Squire's, stoves were fully in vogue and farmhouses were comfortably warmed.

  12. In early times each petty district in England had been self-supporting, raising its own corn, feeding its own cattle, producing by women's hands in the cottages and farmhouses its own manufactures.

  13. Now in farmhouses there is great difficulty in getting any girl to work.

  14. Unhappily, many of our landed proprietors think it quite enough to build "neat" farmhouses and cottages, and pay no regard to beauty.

  15. Many of them clung as tenaciously to their mother tongue as they did to their capacious farmhouses or their Dutch ovens; but they were slowly losing their identity as the English pressed in beside them to farm and trade.

  16. All along the southern border the land had been occupied largely by pioneers from New England, who built prim farmhouses and adopted the town-meeting plan of self-government after the fashion of the old home.

  17. Examples of farmhouses clustered together at some distance from their respective holdings still survive, though generally built of stone.

  18. Farmhouses in England, it was noticed, were in general well furnished with every convenient accommodation.

  19. Lord Berkeley, like other landlords, went often in progress from one of his manors and farmhouses to another, making his stay at each of them for one or two nights, overseeing and directing the husbandry.

  20. The farmhouses also were above the average, while in two of the parishes the tenants had rights of common, and in two others the tenancies were tithe free.

  21. The farmhouses are larger, with wide doors, broad halls, high ceilings, ample grounds, and hospitality to match.

  22. There were several scattered farmhouses at the top of the hill that sloped down to the cove of the bay, but back of the farmlands lay a long stretch of forest.

  23. Although there were several farmhouses beyond the embankment that sloped down to the inlet of the bay, there was no house within calling distance of the "Merry Maid.

  24. The farmhouses are for the most part far apart, and the farms are of very considerable extent, because, owing to the severity of the climate, very little pasturage is obtained over a wide extent of country for the sheep and cattle.

  25. What are now farmhouses were the halls and mansions of families of noble descent.

  26. In the frequent farmhouses the lights shone pleasantly through open doors and windows.

  27. At long intervals she passed, set back from the road, small farmhouses or cabins in ragged gardens.

  28. At the Narrows is a small settlement with a flag-staff and a hotel, and roads leading to farmhouses on the hills.

  29. The howls of the faithful creature are answered by barks and yelps from all the farmhouses for a mile around, and exceedingly poor barking it usually is, until all the serenity of the night is torn to shreds.

  30. On either side, at little distances from the road, are picturesque cottages and rambling old farmhouses peeping from the trees and vines and flowers.

  31. With what a flood of splendor it deluged farmhouses and farms, and the broad sweep of level country!

  32. No one is up at any of the farmhouses to see it; no one appears to take any interest in it, except an occasional baying dog, or a rooster that has mistaken the time of night.

  33. What were the haunts of the Sparrow at the period when men dwelt in tents, and there were neither farmhouses nor villages, much less towns and cities, it were hard to say.

  34. At the period when most farmhouses and cottages were thatched, the eaves were their favourite resort, and here they hollowed out for themselves most comfortable dwellings.

  35. Illustration: THREE ACRES--FRONT VIEW] Like many of the farmhouses in eastern Massachusetts, it had that peculiar beauty which consisted largely in its simple and straightforward solution of the problems at hand.

  36. Each has its individual charm, its special beauties, but wherever found these remodeled farmhouses testify to the stanchness of early American workmanship and to the appreciation of modern Americans for their forefathers' handiwork.

  37. The floor of the porch in farmhouses should be low; it may be on a level with that of the house, or a step below it.

  38. But it is because these Colonial farmhouses meet the requirements of the average American families so adequately that they are so interesting to remodel.

  39. These show to advantage in various remodeled farmhouses that have been adopted as all-the-year-round homes by the last generation.

  40. There is a wealth of possibilities in the reconstruction of old farmhouses that are easily recognized by the experienced eye of the architect.

  41. The growing vogue of the country home has led to the restoration of many of these old-time farmhouses and has saved many a valuable structure from falling into decay.

  42. In the roomy, old-fashioned farmhouses of New England, surrounded by stately trees and overlooking acres upon acres of rolling pasture and meadow land, unlimited opportunities are offered for the development of the country home.

  43. Within the last few years, this locality has been opened up, and many modern homes have been built and farmhouses remodeled.

  44. There is no doubt that the majority of old-time farmhouses readily adapt themselves to modern requirements and show possibilities that allow of most attractive development.

  45. The frame of the entrance door in the center of the front facade is a particularly happy example of the simple Georgian style used in the better class of farmhouses of that day.

  46. All the country side, all the little Maryland villages and farmhouses blenched beneath that sound.

  47. It was not so; it was filled with noise and smoke, and in the fields and fence corners lay dead and wounded men, while in the farmhouses of the region, women drew the blinds, gathered the children about them and sat trembling.

  48. It was very cold and still, a crescent moon in the sky, and lights beginning to shine from the farmhouses in the valley.

  49. It is worth while, however, to alight at Hanwood station, in order to take a look at one or two ancient farmhouses that lie not far away.

  50. There was no other industry save a couple of small farmhouses on the outskirts of the place, no railway within twelve miles.

  51. Save for that handful of cottages, the two farmhouses a few hundred yards inland, and the deserted Hall half-hidden in its grove of pine trees, there was no dwelling-place nor any sign of human habitation for many miles.

  52. From the shrill cries of playing children, and the cackling of hens, I surmised the existence of several farmhouses farther along.

  53. For three quarters of an hour I kept leaving the road for likely-looking woods, always to find farmhouses concealed behind them.

  54. It will be easier walking than through the woods; and, besides, I want to stop at one of the farmhouses and get some breakfast.

  55. Renny, when you interrupted me, I was just counting the farmhouses in sight.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "farmhouses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.