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Example sentences for "farmlands"

Lexicographically close words:
farmhouse; farmhouses; farmin; farming; farmland; farms; farmstead; farmsteads; farmyard; farmyards
  1. This competition was made possible when railroads connected the Valley of Virginia and the farmlands of the great midwestern prairie states with the markets of the eastern cities.

  2. But by 1910 there was a difference, the difference apparent when out of the flat farmlands seismic explosion has thrown up a range of mountain peaks.

  3. During the intervening period the flat farmlands remained only as an equalizing symbol.

  4. May we at home, here at the Seat of Government, in all the cities and towns and farmlands of America, support these principles in a personal effort of dedication.

  5. It is difficult to understand the amount of labour and toil that has been spent on farmlands and pastures, if one only considers England.

  6. All men arose in Castejón, and wide they threw the gates; And forth they went to oversee their farmlands and estates.

  7. Tha comes from the farmlands thaself, an' I mistake not.

  8. They were a little in awe of him at home in the farmlands when his easy-going temper was aroused.

  9. Around the emerald or sapphire loch farmlands lie sunny and warm, set about their steadings, and are on this spring day vivid with green, or rich in their red-browns where the soil lies waiting for the seed.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "farmlands" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.