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Example sentences for "fancy dress"

  • The rest of the time you were quite happy playing charades and having supper in fancy dress, and there was no need to mingle any strange element with the little 'clan.

  • If you must be eccentric, save your efforts for the next fancy dress ball, where you may wear what you please, but in your business clothing be reasonable.

  • Or the moonlight dance of the Worldlys which was not a fancy dress one, but for which the ballroom was turned into a garden scene, lighted by simulated moonlight that would have added to the renown of Belasco.

  • Only three individuals appeared in fancy dress--costumes which, from their quality, would have far more fitted a masquerade at the Baronial Hall than an elegant assembly like that of Friday evening.

  • A "fancy dress ball" was announced for the evening of the 21st.

  • The Messiah" was the attraction on the morning of the 18th, and the Festival concluded with a fancy dress ball at St. Andrew's Hall in the evening.

  • A month later, I happened to hear talk of a fancy dress ball in honour of an Egyptian prince visiting America.

  • As it was only a fancy dress affair, and no masks were to be worn, if Rameses were present I ought to recognise him.

  • If her costume (which she might make pass as fancy dress) and her determination did not get her into the ballroom, I believed that she would think of some other plan.

  • The Festival concluded on the 20th with a fancy dress ball.

  • A miscellaneous concert took place each evening, and the Festival concluded with a fancy dress ball.

  • The Festival concluded on the night of the 23rd with a fancy dress ball, at which "masks and dominoes" were prohibited.

  • Before the doctor could bow his usual assent there entered a pretty little page, very daintily attired in a fancy dress of green and silver.

  • We have forgotten one character; the repeated commands of his father and the constant entreaties of Madame Carolina had at length prevailed upon the Crown Prince to shuffle himself into a fancy dress.

  • It was a fancy dress ball, but not a masked one; the order was strict, and I hired two dozen dominoes for the use of impostors, whoever they might be, who attempted to introduce themselves in contraband dress.

  • There were several ladies in the salon, all in fancy dress, although the majority of them, like Cecilia, wore no masks.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fancy dress" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    attempts were; being just; collective name; corrugated iron; fancy ball; fancy dress; fancy shapes; fancy that; fancy work; first made; forcing himself; formidable army; hear something; instant after; just arrived; known also; many proofs; palm trees; penny loaf; powerful influence; runs thus; scientific management; she continued; social insurance; that book; westerly direction