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Example sentences for "fallen women"

  • That it was no mere sentiment appears in many ways, and in none more so than in his infinite pity for the crowds of fallen women in Rome, and in his wise methods of rescue work.

  • Nothing, however, excited the sympathy of Loyola so much as the numbers and condition of fallen women in all the larger Italian towns.

  • They have reached the last step in the downward career of fallen women, and will never leave this place until they are carried from it to their graves, which are not far distant.

  • He knew nothing of fallen women except by hearsay and from books, and he had never in his life been in the houses in which they live.

  • Prostitutes in Europe are, as a general rule, fallen women, the victims of seduction, or possibly of innate vice.

  • This is the second step in the downward career of fallen women.

  • Fallen women of the higher classes, and gamblers, abound at the hotels.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fallen women" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another tree; brown color; considerable height; extremely difficult; fallen cold and dead; fallen down; fallen leaves; fallen snow; fallen timber; fallen tree; fallen women; great literature; inference from; lead them; life forms; line drawn; long range; mental prayer; negro servant; person shall; said the little lady; should reach; sought for; village communities; will depend; word was