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Example sentences for "fairer"

Lexicographically close words:
faintness; faints; fair; faire; fairely; faires; fairest; faireste; fairgrounds; fairies
  1. Grant me with favoring winds to go Whither the mighty Fates command, And this dear company of friends, And mastering Powers who shape our ends To issues fairer than we know.

  2. Let him wait for a fairer time for his journey.

  3. And Athene made him taller and fairer to see, and caused the hair to be thick on his head, in color as a hyacinth.

  4. Then she rubbed on each another mighty drug, and the bristles fell from their bodies and they became men, only younger and fairer than before.

  5. If he was fair and noble to look on as he had appeared before to the King and to Etain, he was fairer now, for the splendour of the Immortals clothed him, and his jewels flamed as he moved like eyes of living light.

  6. But still, where general choice is good, There is a better and a best; And, among fairest objects, some Are fairer than the rest.

  7. Amongst those things that nature gave, Three daughters fair had he, So princely seeming, beautiful, As fairer could not be.

  8. They fell on no fairer picture in all that bright autumn day!

  9. I even I, will bring the bride In triumph to her lover’s side— This beauty fairer than the rest, With rounded limb and heaving breast.

  10. While elephants and deer he slays, Drinking wood honey as he strays, And looks on streams each fairer yet, His kingdom he may chance forget.

  11. Here will I bathe: the rill has not, To lave the limbs, a fairer spot.

  12. Or, famed for justice through the land, Thou on the road to heaven hast planned Some city fairer far than this To be thy new metropolis.

  13. The city seemed a fairer sky Where cloud-like houses rose on high, Whence the soft sound of tabors came Through many a latticed window frame, And ever and anon rang out The merry laugh and joyous shout.

  14. He had seen that she was the noblest of all the women he had met in his life--in truth, the Princess was just as much fairer than all other women as King Olaf was greater than all other men.

  15. It seems to me as if she were fairer than Storr[:a]de.

  16. Hast thou ever heard of a greater man or of a fairer woman?

  17. Yuki presented her husband with ten fine and handsome children, fairer of skin than the average.

  18. He was always fair, yet fairer than he ever was seemed Mider to be upon that night.

  19. He for error searcheth, streweth gifts not small, Hosts of men destroyeth; fairer he than all!

  20. Of the residences of the French kings none stood in a more salubrious air or commanded a fairer prospect.

  21. It painfully reminded a people proud of the memory of Wallace and Bruce that Scotland, since her sovereigns had succeeded to a fairer inheritance, had been independent in name only.

  22. To her he turned with constant fondness from a prouder and fairer rival.

  23. But let the abettors of the Panther's crime Learn to make fairer wars another time.

  24. And prayed their tender mothers to delay The passage, and expect a fairer day.

  25. Over the sea the sunlight glittered, tipping the glad waves that danced and sported towards the shore, and making the white foam upon the breakers look fairer than snow itself.

  26. Thou hast no dross to purge from thy rich ore: Nor can thy soul a fairer mansion find Than was the beauteous frame she left behind: Return, to fill or mend the quire of thy celestial kind.

  27. She at least is woman--after a fairer fashion--after a truer type.

  28. Yea, my brother was even fairer than I, who, as the Huzoor knoweth, have grey eyes, and hair and beard that are not darkly brown.

  29. In the former case, rather more sunburnt than the average lounger in Piccadilly; in the latter, rather fairer than the average Afghan and Pathan loafer in Abdul Rehman Bazaar.

  30. His approaching entry into his new abode, from which he promised himself a new and fairer existence, filled the old drunkard with delighted curiosity and excitement.

  31. It does outline a character fairer than the sons of men, which requires indwelling Deity for its realisation in humanity.

  32. This monarch is fairer than the sons of men.

  33. No matter; after all it was I myself who promised to find for the Terrible Tsar a bride who is ruddier than the sun, fairer than the moon, and whiter than snow.

  34. Fairer waters than those we are now crossing be to us and to France!

  35. The fairer the hostess the fouler the soup!

  36. These scruples are merely romantic; your own good sense, had it fairer play, would contemn them; but it is warped at present by prejudice and prepossession.

  37. You have seen many a face, doubtless, in sunny France fairer far than hers; yet is she very dear to me and winning to my old eyes.

  38. All days are fair for some purposes," said Buckingham quickly; "and the sooner the day the fairer to my mind.

  39. And who knows, forsooth, but that in the cast I win a fairer land than this I leave behind?

  40. What's fairer than that, I'd like to know?

  41. Fairer still is life in our breasts, with its manifold music and meaning, with its wonder of seeing and hearing and feeling and knowing and being.

  42. Fairer and still more fair is love, that draws us together, mingles our lives in its flow, and bears them along like a river, strong and clear and swift, reflecting the stars in its bosom.

  43. Fairer is He than Baldur the Beautiful, greater than Odin the Wise, kinder than Freya the Good.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fairer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.