To him which sues for a respecting eye, And no ignoble action doth allow, But honor, and thy faires to gratifie.
A new kind of shifting sleight, practised at this day by some of this Cony-catching crue, in Innes or vitualling houses, but especially in Faires or Markets, which came to my hands since the imprinting of the rest.
There are in this city euery weeke three Faires or Markets, which are frequented with many people, aswell Spanyards as the people of the countrey.
There are in theseFaires or Markets all maner of things that may be inuented, to sell, and in especiall, things of the countrey.
The one of these Fairesis vpon the Munday; which is called S.
Therefore as there are no great townes without one weekelie market at the least, so there are verie few of them that haue not one or two faires or more within the compasse of the yeare assigned vnto them by the prince.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "faires" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.