Lay up the fagotsneat and trim; Pile 'em up higher; Set 'em afire!
I used to peep about among the fagots to find the eggs the hens sometimes left there.
I will carry half your fagots for you to the turn of the road," she said.
Presently Numabo would draw first blood with his sharp spear which would be the signal for the beginning of the torture after a little of which the fagots would be lighted around the feet of the victims.
The girl saw the stake in the village street and the piles of fagotsabout it and in terror she suddenly realized the portent of these grisly preparations.
Here Lieutenant Harold Percy Smith-Oldwick saw a number of Negresses engaged in laying fagots around a stake and in preparing fires beneath a number of large cooking vessels.
At twilight he surprised his family by appearing with a huge bundle of fagots that he had gathered in the woods.
Yet more amazing, on the next day, before any of his family was stirring, he was again at work, and soon a huge heap of fagots rose in the little back yard.
After this he was fastened to the stake, and the fagots placed round him.
The priests told the people, that whoever brought fagots to burn heretics would have an indulgence to commit sins for forty days.
When the fagots were piled up to his very neck, the duke of Bavaria was so officious as to desire him to abjure.
They were hung on gibbets, and fagots being placed under them, as soon as they were suspended, fire was set to them, so that they were burnt while hanging.
About seven o'clock in the morning, the town prisoners in the Mote-hall were brought to a plot of ground on the outside of the town wall, where the stake was erected, surrounded by fagots and fuel.
He was then fastened to the stake, and the fagots being lighted, immediately set fire to the powder that was tied about him, and which blew into a flame and smoke.
Fresh fagots were added by Nightgall and his companions, who moved around the pyre like fiends engaged in some impious rite.
The blood of the righteous would have been spared ; the fagotsat the stake un-lighted ; the groans of the martyrs unheard.
At this thought she became wide awake, and jumping up, she found a big stick, which she cut to a point with her knife; then she strewed branches and fagots all around her, piling them high.
To pass the time, and still more with the wish to be on the move, she arranged the fagots which she had disturbed the night before.
Be strong as the fagots are sturdy; Be pure in your deepest desire; Be true to the truth that is in you; And--follow the law of the Fire!
Presently a man who, having been cutting fagots at a little distance, had seen the pony careering through the wood, came up and asked what he could do to help me.
There were many piles of fagots about, and a great log lying here and there along the side of the path.
Servetus was bound to the stake, and the fagots were lighted.
All afternoon the Wood-Gatherers worked, gathering the fagots for the fire, and arranging them neatly.
Those seven fagots each stand for one of the seven points of the law of the fire.
Be strong as the fagotsare sturdy; Be pure in your deepest desire; Be true to the truth that is in you; And--follow the law of the Fire.
And instead of just having a bunch of fagots on my sleeve, there'd be a flame coming from them.
And then, as the flames rose and began to curl about the fagots all the girls began to sing together the Camp Fire Girl Ode to Fire: "Oh Fire!
The reeds were burning around them; the timbers of the bridge caught fire; the peat and fagots smouldered beneath their feet.
There was a sound of axes, as if the enemy were making scaling-ladders for a night assault; but it was found that they were cutting fagots to burn the wall.
Two towers were erected two stories high, and were surrounded with heaps of inflamed materials consisting of fagots and straw.
Then Marche-a-Terre took one of the thongs that tied the fagots and fastened the miser's feet to the crane.
Then, kindle a fire with these fagots of wood left here by your gardener, and cast me into the hottest portion of it.
Next day, he offered to work for the old woman, and set to cutting up wood and binding fagots cheerfully.
I must have fagots and straw, for I will burn this tree to the ground--burn it to a char.
All this while, her grandfather had averted his face from her, as if fearing to meet her regards, and he now busied himself in striking a light and setting fire to a pile of fagots and small logs of wood.
The other day he was caught stealing fagots from a neighbor.
I mean to tie him to a tree, one of these days, and break a dozen fagots of green sticks over his back.
Racks and fagotssoon waft the soul to God, stern messengers, but swift.
The church may cast out such men; burn them with the torments of an age too refined in its cruelty to use coarse fagots and the vulgar axe!
He was brought up unhurt against a bush some twenty feet below, the fagots of wood being scattered in his descent in all directions.
There was a heap of onions running to seed, the fagots of fire-wood which Valeria had brought that afternoon, and an old cask or two.
Shall we, in our haste to slay, From the tombs of the old prophets steal the funeral lamps away To light up the martyr-fagots round the prophets of to-day?
Far back in the open fireplace the fagotswere blazing and snapping.
Heaps of fagots were industriously piled against an oak tree, which stood apart.
I was lying there with the one thought still consuming me, how to wait a few hours and to get at that pile of fagots above my head, when the door of my prison opened and a man entered.
One side of this bleak apartment was heaped up to the ceiling with fagots of firewood.
Put me on yonder pile of fagots and burn me alive, as saints and martyrs have been burned before me.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fagots" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.