The prophet's expostulations with Jehovah show that he was not insensible to the miseries of his people, although he saw them to be inevitable.
There is no reason to believe that the Jews in Babylon were less catholic in their superstitions than those of Judaea; and indeed the whole drift of Ezekiel's expostulations goes to show that he has the worship of false gods in view.
The tragic conflict of his life reaches its height in those expostulations with Jehovah which are amongst the most remarkable passages of the Old Testament.
And being so, the breath of God, I may breathe back these pious expostulations to my God: My God, my God, why is not my soul as sensible as my body?
Our blessed Saviour suffered colluctations with death, and a sadness even in his soul to death, and an agony even to a bloody sweat in his body, and expostulations with God, and exclamations upon the cross.
That Mrs. Harcourt often entreated his influence with her younger pupil, to change her course of conduct, he never remembered longer than the time her expostulations lasted.
And muttering to himself, the miserable man shambled away, to repeat the same hopes and expostulations to the next one he found.
Sometimes the old model who kept the school ventured to remonstrate with him, but his expostulations quickly gave way before the violent insolence of the painter to abject apologies.
Evelyn wondered, and that evening in the sacristy Veronica broke into expostulations with an excitement that took Evelyn by surprise.
Expostulations and suggestions went round the table, and Evelyn was glad when breakfast was over; and to escape from all this company, she accepted Owen's proposal to go for a walk.
Mutiny, however, was constantly breaking out, and by the eloquent expostulations and vague promises of the Count, was with difficulty suppressed.
And this is shown in the tone of the expostulations addressed to the Record by some of the Secession leaders.
To the expostulations of his wife he seldom answered any thing.
He checked her tender expostulationswith some sternness.
The intemperate are the persons to whom these expostulations should be addressed.
Here my poor little companion, who had hitherto smothered the torments of St. Bartholomew rather than risk being left behind, found it impossible to contain his expostulations any longer.
From very affection for his kindred and yourself he has contrived your arrest; all my expostulations have been in vain.
Finding that his expostulations made some impression, he asked if she felt willing to amend her ways.
He replied to their expostulations by ridicule, and proceeded to hurry his victim off to prison.
Powerful and impressive as are the appeals and expostulations contained in his written works, they probably convey but a faint idea of the force and earnestness of those which he poured forth from his pulpit.
His writings, like his sermons, were the earnest expostulations of a dying man with dying men.
Kykie's shrill crescendo, expostulations and denials, were smothered like little frothy waves in the breakers of her master's wrath.
Amidst moans and expostulations she added: "But I daresay I can beat up a few wild-geese from somewhere.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "expostulations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.