But the priesthood had been so utterly debased by its worship of false gods, which tore from it the crown of unity, and by the abominations which its rites in too many instances carried with them, that it had ceased to be a lawful power.
It suffered the most grievous corruption in that it was offered to false gods, to deified men, to powers of nature, to those who were not gods but demons.
On these cities,(112) each of which was identified with the worship of a particular deity, Jehovah executes the judgments in which He makes known to the Egyptians His sole divinity and destroys their confidence in false gods.
There is no reason to believe that the Jews in Babylon were less catholic in their superstitions than those of Judaea; and indeed the whole drift of Ezekiel's expostulations goes to show that he has the worship of false gods in view.
It seems clear that one part of the threat here uttered is that the very withholding of the answer will unmask the hypocrisy of men who pretend to be worshippers of Jehovah, but in heart are unfaithful to Him and servants of false gods.
Hence though it is a perverse oath when a man swears to the truth by false gods, yet perjury takes its name from that kind of perversity in an oath, that deprives the oath of its end, by swearing what is false.
Hence when Publicola asked whether it were lawful to make use of an oath taken by a man swearing by false gods (which is a manifest sin, for he gives Divine honor to them) Augustine (Ep.
If however he were to induce him to swear by false gods, he would sin.
Defn: One of a non-Jewish nation; one neither a Jew nor a Christian; a worshiper of false gods; a heathen.
The worship of idols, images, or anything which is not God; the worship of false gods.
Of or pertaining to idolatry; partaking of the nature of idolatry; given to idolatry or the worship of false gods; as, idolatrous sacrifices.
Thus haue ye heard in what maner the Englishmen were first brought from the worshipping of false gods, and baptised in the name of the liuing God by the foresaid Augustine (as we find in Beda and other writers.
Pauline openlie to preach the gospell, and renouncing his worshipping of false gods, professed the Christian faith.
What contrast is drawn in the Scriptures between the Creator and false gods?
By the great truth revealed here all other gods are shown to be false gods.
They had nofalse gods or images, and their third Emperor Hoam-ti erected a Temple, the first probably ever erected, to the Great Architect of the Universe.
Amos accuses the Hebrews of the worship of false gods, 206-m.
Chinese had no false gods, but observed a pure worship of God, 615-l.
Satan put it into the heart of the rulers of the land to move the people to the worship of false gods, and the Lord God had not yet raised up a Redeemer for Israel.
Theatres and amphitheatres, and games, and alien rites in honour of false gods, had been brought in among us.
One of a non-Jewish nation; one neither a Jew nor a Christian; a worshiper of false gods; a heathen.
When paganism was attacked, or when a change was effected in the worship of false gods, the affections, morals, and interests of pagan society were not deeply wounded.
It said that Egypt in the early days worshipped light; in the days which followed light was swallowed up in the worship of false gods.
He was enjoying the beauty of Aton in the silent valley, which his footsteps had so often trod, the valley overlooking the city which to him, in his manhood, became the city of abomination and desolation, the city of false gods.
If he could have turned the heart of Egypt from the worship of false gods, if he could have imparted unto the minds of men the wonder and the love of God, all else, he thought, would follow after.
That was what I heard at the first dress rehearsal of False Gods, Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree speaking with gesture to match his speaking.
Sir Herbert Tree is a great producer of Shakespeare; and he illustrates dramas of noble passion and lofty thought with the same elaborate care as he lavishes on a play like False Gods, or some "patriotic spectacle" of snippets and fustian.
The two concluding acts of False Gods are coming, and in those two acts Sir Herbert Tree has to take part.
And now, because it is not a goddess, but a gift of God, let it be obtained by prayer from Him, by whom alone it can be given, and the whole crowd of false gods vanishes.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "false gods" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.