Within a few years, however, the decreased cost of mining due to machinery, and the low rates of transportation to the seaboard has developed an export trade to Russia, Germany, and France.
Archangel has an export trade of lumber and flax during the few months when the White Sea is free from ice.
A very large part of the commerce, however, is neither import or export trade, but a "transit" commerce.
A phenomenon of national importance was the rapid expansion of export trade in staple commodities, through New Orleans, Galveston and other Gulf ports.
In regard to export trade, the inland producers of manufactured goods must be at a disadvantage as compared with their rivals on the sea coast.
We are back on the same question which faced us in our examination of the export trade--in what export trade is German labor going to find a greatly increased outlet?
As regards two of the categories, namely, cotton and woolen goods, the increase of an export trade is dependent upon an increase of the import of the raw material, since Germany produces no cotton and practically no wool.
By this means we could obtain sufficient compensation from Germany without unduly stimulating her manufactures andexport trade to our detriment.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "export trade" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.