Expletives are of all grades from simple interjections to the strongest profanity.
Many expletives are ancient religious formulas of objurgation, obsecration, asseveration, anathema, etc.
These Equal Syllables alone require, Tho oft the Ear the open Vowels tire, While Expletives their feeble Aid do join, And ten low Words oft creep in one dull Line.
Steele's comedies with all their gaiety and humour were wholly free from the garnish of oaths and unwholesome expletives which his contemporaries seemed to think essential to stage emphasis.
The phraseology is frequently mean and slovenly, the construction inverted and ungrammatical, the ellipses harsh, the expletives feeble, the metre inharmonious, the rhymes imperfect.
Out from the timber up the stream came sonorous voices shouting taunt and challenge, intermingled with the vilest expletives they had picked up from their cowboy neighbors, and all the frontier slang in the Cheyenne vocabulary.
The assailants closed in again with a volley of incomprehensible expletives and unmistakably threatening gestures.
For a while the little train proceeded in silence, broken only by the snorting, kicking ponies and the harsh, guttural expletives of the guide, who belaboured them with his cudgel until Fred checked him.
These equal syllables alone require, Though oft the ear the open vowels tire; While expletives their feeble aid to join, And ten low words oft creep in one dull line.
To all of which queries the response was in negatives, with certain inelegant expletives added thereto.
Perhaps, to save time, it might be as well for you to submit a list of the expletives generally in use by you, and I can then at once refer those to which I object to the directors for their decision.
Instantly that introspective wild beast realises his advantage--he springs to sight, ignores Spanish expletives that scorch the scrub, and in giant bounds breaks back in the very face of encircling foes.
As the escort disappeared, their pent-up feelings found vent in a few hysterical tears from the Duchess, some bad language from Mother Shipton, and a Parthian volley ofexpletives from Uncle Billy.
It must be confessed that Miggles's conversation was never elegant, rarely grammatical, and that at times she employed expletives the use of which had generally been yielded to our sex.
The Frenchman, however, did not approve of this, and gave strong evidence that he was alive, by struggling violently, and uttering with extraordinary volubility a variety of expletives on the matter.
No English pair of shoulders could have behaved in the same way; nor could certainly any English mouth have rolled out the extraordinary expletives with which he was wont to give force to his sentiments.
Now do you think it would be wrong to invent expletives that mean nothing bad?
Some writers deal in expletives to a degree that tires the ear and offends the understanding.
Big words andexpletives should be used only where they are really needed; where they are not really needed, they go wide of the object aimed at.
Footnote 264: In the Life Johnson says, "Expletives he very early rejected from his verses; but he now and then admits an epithet rather commodious than important.
Marquis, garnishing his conversation with the usual expletives which adorned his eloquence when he was strongly moved.
In conversation with his grooms and servants he swore freely,--not that he was accustomed to employ oaths in his own private talk, but he thought the employment of these expletives necessary as an English country gentleman.
Expletives and mean expressions also must be excluded.
Those who wade through its laboured and redundant expletives will probably come to the conclusion that Castiglione has preserved whatever they contain worthy of notice.
And the Expletives Remained The lines flowed, the poem wrote itself and the expletives remained Fuck the Poetry Police!
They sound like expletives from our own good planet, but altogether too mild to express the state of my feelings.
It was sufficiently discouraging, although I was reckless enough to ease my feelings with a few expletives on Key 7--the most insolent and defiant that I had learned in Baigol.
In England there was no occasion to make use of such expletives as were suggested, and a "Dash!
But in the production of effect from the minorexpletives he is most skilful.
Such an insult as that offered to me when I was in the Mexican war," said he, mounting over the wheel with one of those expletives much used among soldiers, "and I had demolished the lot at a stroke of my sword.
The characters, again, are perpetually firing off such exclamations and expletives as, ‘Tremendous powers!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "expletives" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.