But finding the English exiles there involved in theological disputes, they acted on Robinson's advice and sought a more peaceful home in Leyden.
Is it surprising that the thoughts of the exiles were enraptured in contemplating this beautiful land?
There were some generous hearts among the members of this company--true and tried friends of the exiles in their troubles--but many of them were illiberal and selfish, and had very little sympathy with the principles of their partners.
It was as if England then proclaimed to all her exiles for opinion, "Ye need be exiles no more.
I had not enough to keep the exiles of Spain and Portugal from starvation.
As neither sovereign would permit the Papal Brief to be read in the countries which they governed, a number of the exiles in various parts of Europe flocked thither.
The exiles lingered for a while in various parts of France; for some of the divisional parliaments were not at one with Paris in their opposition to the Society.
Some of the caciques were actually won over to the advisability of the measure, and started out with several hundred exiles to find a new home in the wilderness.
He and all the other exiles are ready to undergo sufferings more rigorous than any to which they have hitherto been subjected, if a single individual has ever been guilty of the least crime against the State.
After landing in Italy where the Jesuits were as yet unmolested, he had betaken himself, with the advice of the provincial to Ferrara, and there housed the exiles as best he could.
Then the mob drove the luckless Fathers out of the city; when Borgia's sister sheltered the exiles in her castle her uncle, the archbishop, excommunicated her.
Carayon gives some interesting diaries of the journeys of theseexiles (Doc.
In South America, theexiles did excellent work in Argentina and Ecuador.
The whole kingdom welcomed back the exileswith enthusiasm.
At first the exiles remained in their ships, but, later, they were allowed to go ashore during the day.
Some of the exiles went to Hanover and others to Switzerland.
I saw, my queen, all Scottish exiles Who forge at Rheims their plots against this realm.
Disguis'd in foreign garb, they pass for Frenchmen, Two Protestant exiles from the Limosin Newly arriv'd.
LOVEL I have known some exiles thus To linger out the term of the law's indulgence, To the hazard of being known.
The concession, it must be confessed, was not a very liberal one; for the exiles could return only on condition of recanting.
Until Rome herself becomes a victim to civil strife, and her exiles or conquerors play for the help of her own subjects, Numidia ceases to be a factor in Roman politics.
He remarks that the return of even free exiles to a Hellenistic city was a cause of great disturbance.
I have known some exilesthus To linger out the term of the law's indulgence, To the hazard of being known.
Disguised in foreign garb, they pass for Frenchmen, Two Protestant exiles from the Limousin Newly arrived.
We have all sorts of exiles over in the States, and it don't seem to me as if anybody ever called them back.
The idea, indeed, of Paulo's Hotel being a resort of mouchards and spies, to find out the secrets of illustrious exiles who were sheltered as guests!
Daniel outlived the first return of the exiles under Zerubbabel, and he did not avail himself of this opportunity to revisit the land and desolate sanctuary of his fathers which he loved so well.
Joshua's position among the exiles might well entitle him, as much as Zerubbabel himself, to the title of Nagid or Prince.
Besides, in transplanting themselves hither, these unfortunateexiles know where to lay their heads, being the owners of the hotel Beauseant.
The Marshal almost smiles to see, so furiously he goes, How fierce the looks theseexiles wear, who're wont to be so gay!
On Fontenoy, on Fontenoy, nor ever yet elsewhere, Rushed on to fight a nobler band than these proud exiles were.
Babylonia, and was settled with many other exiles at a place called Tel-abib (iii.
Henry of Richmond with a body of Lancastrian exiles and foreign mercenaries.
While he was absent Henry of Bolingbroke landed at Ravenspur with a small body of exilesand mercenaries.
Having the boy in her power, and being surrounded by the exiles of Lancaster's faction, she set herself to plot against her husband, and opened up communications with the discontented in England.
Nearly two years had elapsed, and the exiles were still in the fascinating city to which the ill-fated Elinor had carried her too easily-led husband.
When I first came to England, you informed me that your object in discovering the exiles was one which I could honestly aid.
Early in the present year, Mr. Webster, as Secretary of State, directed our Minister at Constantinople to urge the Porte to suffer the exiles to come to the United States.
Nearly all the exiles kept diaries or memoirs, or wrote them when they returned to Europe.
Lowe's official reports prove that he did not cease to consult the comfort of the exiles as far as it was possible.
Certainly the exiles were not happy among themselves.
But silence gave way to wails of despair as the exilesembarked on the heaving estuary and severed the last links with Europe.
It seems that the chief is weary of his moody humours; he further owes him a grudge for writing home to his mother frank statements of the way in which the Longwood exiles are treated.
What must be the thoughts of these Neapolitan exiles as they sail away from 'Sunny Italy,' their place of birth, their homeland, and their friends?
The majority of the exiles were descendants of the old Spanish population, who had embraced Islam, but were glad of a pretext to assert their racial antipathy for the Arab rule.
An heir to the throne was discovered amongst the Singhalese exiles on the coast of India[2], but death soon ended his brief reign.
On the returned exiles you lavished such magnificent presents and rewards that they could not even resent the good fortune of their bitterest enemies, nor begrudge their being duly honoured.
The second year (1734) there arrived a number of German Protestants, persecuted exiles from Salzburg, who had been invited to America by the English Society for Propagating the Gospel.
There were already on the ground, at Bergen, a number of Dutch and Swedes, while at Shrewsbury were several English sectaries, exilesfrom Connecticut and Long Island, who had purchased land from the Indians.
A colony of French and Genevan political exiles once flourished there, and Madame de Stael was a frequent visitor.
The returning exiles defeated the soldiers of Savoy in more than one pitched battle.
The colonists are exiles who have severed old ties, and have a difficulty in forming new ones.
Sister Margaret said just the right thing to every one, and I was glad to find her so capable a person, fully able to care for these exiles without aid from my side of the wall.
I brought the launch to St. Agatha's landing and embarked the two exileswithout incident.
There was the City's own strange population; and exiles from the bosque were there seeking nepenthe for their souls in the dancing and music of its plaza, in its life and love.
He had raked together, after the example of Scioppius against Scaliger, all the tittle-tattle which the English exiles had to retail about Milton and his antecedents.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exiles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.