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Example sentences for "everted"

Lexicographically close words:
everlastingly; everlastingness; evermore; everry; eversion; every; everybody; everych; everyday; everye
  1. When such wounds were explored, as well as the presence of brain in the entry aperture, a number of fragments of the external table of the skull were found everted and fixed in the tissues of the scalp.

  2. From the exit wound, which was 1 inch in diameter, protruded a piece of sloughing omentum, the margin of the wound being everted and raised over a circular indurated area.

  3. Frothy fluid stained with bile and fæcal in odour was escaping from the wound of exit, and the everted margins of the latter were bile-stained.

  4. The openings were circular, about 1/3 inch in diameter, clean cut, with a ring of everted mucous membrane, and the wall of the bowel in the neighbourhood was thickened.

  5. As any one of these everted lips could act as a scraper it was a matter of indifference which struck the bottom when the dredge was lowered.

  6. In the soft ooze which forms the bottom of deep seas the common dredge sinks and digs much too deeply for its ordinary purpose, owing partly to its chief weight bearing on the frame only, partly to its everted lips.

  7. The lips instead of being everted were in parallel planes--those, namely, of the top and bottom of the net.

  8. The mouth is opened widely, with the upper lip strongly retracted, which wrinkles the sides of the nose, and with the lower lip protruded and everted as much as possible.

  9. When the corners of the mouth are much depressed, the lower lip is a little everted and protruded; and this is likewise called a pout.

  10. By extension, applied to various tubelike mouth organs of the lower animals that can be everted or protruded.

  11. The proboscis of annelids and of mollusks is usually a portion of the pharynx that can be everted or protruded.

  12. They have a very singular long tubular proboscis, which can be everted from a pore in the front of the head.

  13. At first the lids are more or less inverted, on account of Å“dematous swelling of the cellular tissue: in the latter stages they are everted by thickening and turgescence of the conjunctiva.

  14. When a ball passes through a fleshy part, the opening at its entrance is small and depressed; whilst that by which it escaped is open, with everted edges.

  15. Globose bodies, vertical or slightly everted collars tooled in a series of ridged bands, with tooled rims at top.

  16. Straight, everted sides, flat rims, with slightly raised edges, one small flat loop handle secured to rim.

  17. Cysticerci in the everted (B) and inverted (C) condition.

  18. The shell is formed in the usual way on the everted surface of the shell-gland.

  19. On this everted area a small plate is developed, which forms the commencement of the embryonic shell with which the larvae of all Pteropods are provided.

  20. By the time the larva has become free, the semi-invaginated granular cells have increased in bulk and become everted so as to project very much more prominently than in the encapsuled state.

  21. The edge of the everted area becomes thickened and gradually travels towards the anterior end of the body.

  22. The sores thus formed are ulcerous and unhealthy, with puffy, ragged, everted borders and a grayish or yellowish red base, which often extends deeply between the muscles and exposes tendons and bones.

  23. The bodies of these vessels are generally bag-shaped and are broader toward the base than at the rim, which is slightly everted and tooled into a rounded lip over a cordon of comparable width.

  24. Another fragment was sharply everted over a pronouncedly incurving body.

  25. Bowl with everted rim ornamented with crudely overlapping ovals and diamonds in blue; interior of bowl decorated with rings of the same color.

  26. Globular-bodied jars with everted collar-like mouths can be proved to have been made at Yorktown on the evidence of a few small under-and over-fired sherds recovered from the old road metaling in front of the Digges House.

  27. The mouth is slightly everted over a V-sectioned string rim.

  28. Slightly everted rim and handle with heart-shaped aperture; body slightly bulbous and incurving to a straight foot; the glaze thick and gray.

  29. Flat and slightly everted rim, straight body section, and spreading base; the bottom slightly domed and the glaze thin.

  30. Rim and wall fragment of cup or small bowl, the rim slightly everted by tooling beneath it.

  31. The wall was decorated with narrow horizontal bands and a wide foliate zone below the everted rim.

  32. Creampan, rim and wall fragment, the rim form a variant on the everted and rolled technique, seemingly having been turned out and then rolled back toward the interior.

  33. Or if it is the palpebral conjunctiva that is affected, the meibomian glands and follicles of the ciliae become involved, destroying the lashes and leaving the lids raw and everted or inverted--a perpetual deformity.

  34. A large nematocyst, with everted thread, is seen in the right-hand ectodermal cell.

  35. The discoloration and swelling are most intense in the immediate vicinity of the wound, the edges of which are everted and moist.

  36. In other cases there is no history of injury, but whenever the foot is everted the tendon of the peroneus longus is liable to be jerked forwards out of its groove, sometimes with an audible snap.

  37. Abdominal cavity of cat, with intestines everted and elevated to show duodenal fold.

  38. Nasua rufa, the brown Coati-mundi, a South American arctoid carnivore, with the intestines everted and turned to the left side.

  39. In view of the novelty of this treatment it may be of interest to cite a case: A baby 16 months old had hemorrhage of the gums and tenderness of the legs, which were held in the characteristic flexed and everted position.

  40. Frequently its posture is characteristic, as it lies quietly on its back with one thigh everted and flexed on the abdomen.

  41. What we have above described as the posterior cerebral lobes have been described by Wilder as constituting the everted dorsal border of the basal portion of the cerebrum.

  42. The dorsal edges of the posterior portion, adjoining the thin roof, usually become somewhat everted (cf.

  43. Its broad end then affixes itself to some solid object, the polypide is everted through the pore at the narrow end and the whole of that part of the larva which formerly enclosed it is turned completely inside out.

  44. By next morning every larva was fixed to the glass and had everted its two polypides.

  45. Among these is a fragment of a bowl or urn, of unglazed pottery, highly decorated with deeply grooved lines on the outside, and slight indentations on the everted lip.

  46. Some had everted rims and the majority flat bases.

  47. B, The same, partially everted by eversion of the sides, as in the Nemertine proboscis and Gastropod eye-tentacle = pleurecbolic.

  48. The whole limb is usually everted to a greater or less degree, and is slightly abducted.

  49. The attitude and gait are highly characteristic, as the adducted and everted legs tend to cross each other at the knee, the deformity being of the scissors-like type (Fig.

  50. Loss of the arch may follow as a result of walking on the everted foot after injuries about the ankle, especially a badly united Pott's fracture; the foot may be displaced laterally and pronated, the sole looking laterally.

  51. Defn: By extension, applied to various tubelike mouth organs of the lower animals that can be everted or protruded.

  52. Note: The proboscis of annelids and of mollusks is usually a portion of the pharynx that can be everted or protruded.

  53. Besides these points, the condition of the edges of the wound, whether swollen and ecchymotic, smooth and straight or dentated and irregular, and whether inverted or everted and gaping, are matters of importance.

  54. A wound in which the edges are neither inverted or everted was therefore inflicted after death.

  55. They are either inverted or everted and the edges and sides of the wound are retracted.

  56. The skin of the edges is not everted or inverted.

  57. The rectum may become everted and paralyzed, and the bowels move spontaneously.

  58. When the womb has been long everted and is gorged with blood, inflamed, and friable there is often the additional disadvantage that the animal is unable or unwilling to rise.

  59. So they jousted, and Sir Persides was overthrown.

  60. For ye shall gain no honour if ye win, and that I see verily ye will not do unless ye slay them; but if ye will not stay, I will ride with them and help them.

  61. And he, for grief at his flight, turned back upon his foe, and renewed the combat, and forced him to retire in turn.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "everted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    backward; everted; inside; introverted; inverted; reversed; transposed