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Example sentences for "everlasting fire"

  • A specific example of everlasting fire in the punishment of evil is given in Scripture.

  • We are therefore to consider, what the meaning is, of Everlasting Fire, and other the like phrases of Scripture.

  • Now they will see what the meaning of such words as these are, hell-fire, everlasting fire, devouring fire, fire that never shall be quenched.

  • Sinners' company are the devil and his angels, tormented in everlasting fire with a curse.

  • For here it is evident that the devil and his angels shall burn in everlasting fire.

  • Such is "The House of Everlasting Fire" to-day.

  • He said; and rose the echo round "In everlasting fire!

  • Truly, it does seem strange that men should be ostracised for not believing that the great majority of mankind is in everlasting fire!

  • And because they did not know it, if annihilation or torment is true, He knew that He would utterly extinguish them, or consign them to everlasting fire!

  • Surely we would like to know if they are going straight to everlasting fire if they are not converted.

  • I do not know, in the case I have referred to, if the Canon believes in everlasting fire.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "everlasting fire" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    carry out; dense clusters; ecclesiastical affairs; everlasting covenant; everlasting doors; everlasting glory; everlasting happiness; everlasting kingdom; everlasting life; everlasting love; everlasting punishment; everlasting righteousness; great indignation; its inhabitants; maximum elevation; middle class; miles southwest; our modern; plain speaking; pounder field; sessile cirripedes; shell shock; slightly bitter; their lands; used against; whatever may