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Example sentences for "everbody"

Lexicographically close words:
eventuate; eventuated; eveques; ever; everblooming; everchanging; evere; evergreen; evergreens; everich
  1. Why on de Moore plantation Aunt Cheney, everbody call her Aunt Cheney, have two chillun by de overseeah.

  2. Dey give a big dinner an' everbody et all de barbecue an' cake dey wanted.

  3. When I went to his place everbody told me as soon as I got there how mean he was and they said his wife was still meaner.

  4. They couldn't get off on Saturday nights like everbody else.

  5. Yes, chile, I'm this way--I like everbody in this world.

  6. I never was a mother, but I raised everbody else's chillun.

  7. I remember when that old drum beat everbody had to be in bed at nine o'clock.

  8. In old times everbody thought of the future and had all kinds of things to eat.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "everbody" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.