Sidenote: The feast of the round table holden at Warwike.
Therfore I and my fellowes, as your gestes and kinsmen, according to equitie doe procure and wish the same vnto you.
Thus did publique securitie from forrein foe abroad, and true loue of his owne subiects, garding him at home, and the heauenly spirit directing all his good purposes, cause iustice and equitie in all quarters of this Albion to flourish.
He was not so zealous toward the execution of right and equitie as to the furtherance of his owne priuat commoditie.
His dealing with our Merchants as it was not with equitie in all points according to his bargaine, so it was not extreme ill.
To whose maiestie as cheeflie was knowne the equitie of his demand: euen so to his mercie did he onelie recommend the successe of his trauels.
Sidenote: A worthie & rare example of equitie in king Henrie.
But this is so much the lesse to be imputed vnto him as a fault, by how much he was ignorant what (by the rule of equitie and conscience) was requirable in a christian man, or one of his vocation.
The Council will direct that "such order be taken in the matter as in justyce and equitie shall appertayn.
Now resteth it in few wordes, to be shewed, that the same empire of women is the subuersion of good ordreequitie and iustice.
In whiche women require (as to them appeareth) nothing but equitie and iustice.
I answer, it is not onlie laufull that women possesse their inheritance, but I affirme also that iustice and equitie require, that so they do.
Amanges us was heard no braggin of multitude, of our strenth, nor pollecey: we did onlye sob to God, to have respect to the equitie of our cause, and to the crewell persute of the tyranefull ennemye.
These oure Petitionis being proponed, the Estate Ecclesiasticall began to storme, and to devise all maner of leys to deface the equitie of our caus.
By Equitie distributyue is distributyd and giuen of comon goodes to euery ma[n] accordyng to his deseruyng[e]s and as he is worthy to haue.
This Equitie is agayne deuyded intoEquitie distributyue of comon thynges & Equitie Commutatiue.
The other kynde of Iustice whiche men call Equitie is whereby a man neyther taketh nor gy- ueth lesse nor more than he ought / but in gyuynge taketh good hede that euery ma[n] haue accordynge as he deserueth.
And thairfoir we utterlie abhorr the blasphemye of those that affirme, that men quhilk live according to equitie and justice, shall be saved, what religioun soever they have professed.
The fourth shewed out a token of equitie by his left hand, which was deformed in every place, signifiing thereby more equitiethen by the right hand.
And verely the foresaid Princes in these arrestes did that which was according to the tenour, and prescription of the lawes of the equitie of nations.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "equitie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.