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Example sentences for "equivalency"

Lexicographically close words:
equitie; equities; equitum; equity; equivalence; equivalent; equivalents; equivocal; equivocally; equivocating
  1. She says that her service inspired her to get her high school equivalency last year.

  2. She had four children, but she had time to serve other people, to get her high school equivalency and she's going to use her AmeriCorps money to go back to college.

  3. It is not enough to say that on the principle of equivalency a man is not presumed to intend to pay for a thing until he has it.

  4. But this principle of equivalency is not the only principle to be drawn even from the form of contracts, without considering their subject-matter, and of course it is not offered as such in Mr. Langdell's work.

  5. But this equivalency can hardly be secured in any other way than by prescribing a series of definite lines of study.

  6. This acquisition of wealth without commensurate sacrifice is not an unqualified advantage; it constitutes a debt to nature, which upon the great principle of causation, and of equivalency of action and reaction, must sooner or later be repaid.

  7. I have already said that if we suppose causation to proceed from brain to mind, we must suppose this essential requirement of equivalency between the cerebral causes and the mental effects to be satisfied somewhere.

  8. Next, in all cases of recognized causation there is a perceived equivalency between cause and effect, such equivalency belonging to the very essence of that in which we conceive causation to consist.

  9. But as between matter and motion on the one side, and feeling and thought on the other, there can be no such equivalency conceivable.

  10. Yet in the world of thought the difference between our estimate of the results, or 'work done,' in these cases is such as to drive all ideas of equivalency to the winds.

  11. That no such equivalency is conceivable may be rendered apparent on grounds of Materialism itself.

  12. Yet, when we do so estimate them, what becomes of the evidence of equivalency between the physical causes and the psychical effects?

  13. A limited education, but he had done something about it before he came to me or he wouldn't have a high school equivalency certificate, if he did have.

  14. Sir, I accepted his statement that at some time and some place, usually when the young man is in the armed services, he had taken the high school equivalency test and had passed it.

  15. He is, as the name indicates, it is an equivalent--it's a certification that the man has an equivalency of a high school education.

  16. In considering the development of Dumas's substitution theory, we found that Laurent retained this conception of equivalency when he spoke of an equivalent of hydrogen being replaced by an equivalent of chlorine (see p.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "equivalency" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.