Porson, in his witty Panegyrical Epistle on Hawkins v.
This, and a few almost flippant acknowledgments of our attentions, concluded an epistle that fell in the midst of us like a rocket.
My dear Tom,--I had thought to have despatched this prosy epistle without being obliged to inflict you with any personal details of the Dodd family.
There are other books in the New Testament that bear the same impress, the epistles to the Ephesians and the Colossians, and to a much greater degree the epistle to the Hebrews.
The phrase "when ye shall be stripped and not be ashamed" contains an idea which has some affinity with two passages found respectively in the Gospel according to the Egyptians and the so-called Second Epistle of Clement.
I supply the reader with the Confession and Epistleattributed to Saint Patrick, though I incline to the opinion that they are the issue of an age subsequent to that of Ireland's Saint.
Your curiosity is truly laudable, and I trust that before you read the postscript of this epistle it will be fully and completely relieved.
But I have one comfort: though my epistlemay not be interesting, you will not deny, my dear M.
In the second epistle to the Thessalonians he writes, 'And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.
In the epistleto Timothy he invokes the Lord 'who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearance and his kingdom.
Whereupon I was simple-minded enough to compose an epistle as ambiguous as the first, concealing my furtive advances under an apparent reluctance, thus letting her know that I was securely hooked.
A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistleto the Galatians.
In An Epistle to the Sisters in the Cloister at Naumberg, written probably in the autumn of 1523, he says: "A true Christian life in its essential requirements does not consist in external appearance .
An Epistle to the Mystical Body of Christ on Earth.
Our author," the Dedicatory Epistle says, and says truly, "missed both rocks against which many have split their vessels.
I found it in the second epistle to the Corinthians last night, and my heart has been full of it ever since.
Again and again he tried to write to her, but the haunting suspicion that she would lay his epistle before her new friends, always made him throw down his pen in a smothering indignation.
There is a very old translation of this Epistlein the British Museum, among the Harleian MSS.
This Epistle has been highly esteemed by several learned men of the church of Rome and others.
Eusebius calls this the wonderfulEpistle of St. Clement, and says that it was publicly read in the assemblies of the primitive church.
Dodwell supposed it to have been published before the Epistle of Jude, and the writings of both the Johns.
The end of the Epistle of Barnabas the Apostle, and fellow-traveller of St. Paul the Apostle.
The genuineness of this Epistle is controverted, but implicitly believed by Archbishop Wake, whose translation is below.
This epistleboldly challenges christian belief in the New Jerusalem as based upon polygamy; upon its gates the names of twelve polygamous children are inscribed, sons of one man, children of four mothers, two wives and two concubines.
An epistle of the First Presidency to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in General Conference, said: "The Gospel of the Son of God, brings life and immortality to light.
Of Solomon, this epistle could likewise have spoken, whom the Bible represents as the wisest man that lived; his wives numbering three hundred, his concubines seven hundred.
The handwriting was that of Madame de Villardin, and the epistle covered two sheets of paper, one of which he gave me to peruse, after having made an ineffectual effort to read it to me himself.
I enclose you an epistle from a countrywoman of yours at Paris, which has moved my entrails.
This epistle is a dun to his executor, for house-rent.
And of this sentence given against them, St. Dionysius in an epistleto Timothy saith in this wise: O my brother Timothy, if thou hadst seen the agonies of the end of them thou shouldst have failed for heaviness and sorrow.
Sir,' said the officer, when he had read the letter through, 'this epistle is addressed to one Jonathan Polwhele.
He took for his text those verses in St. Paul's second epistle to the Corinthians, vi.
Sir Walter Scott used to write precisely the same things to three or four fine-lady friends, and Mrs. Piozzi could no more be expected to find a fresh budget of news or gossip for each epistle than the author of "Waverley.
But a book was written, written under the guidance of the divine Spirit, who had been promised to the Church whenever it would speak, whether by word of mouth or by epistle and written gospel.
The next couplet, with a variation in the first line, was transferred to the epistle to Jervas.
The poet passes over "competence," and in a subsequent part of his epistle allows that "virtue sometimes starves.
The right to print each epistle of the Essay on Man for one year was bought by Gilliver for 50l.
And the conclusion of the commentary on the fourth Epistle will show why I have been so careful to preserve them.
What things are in the sight of God, that they are in reality, and since no one thing in creation is superior or inferior to any other thing, Pope's language throughout this epistle is unmeaning.
The third epistle treats "of the nature and state of man with respect to society.
Warton says that the eight concluding lines of the Epistle "are rather flat and languid.
Pope in his second epistle insisted that man was too weak to interpret them.
In a very oldepistle dedicatory, addressed to Philip IV.
What Paul says in his first Epistle to Timothy is quite true.
He seems to be, as the Apostle expresses it, "a living epistle of Christ, seen and read of all men.
Notwithstanding its long and glorious history, it waxed old, and when the Epistle was written it was nigh unto vanishing away (Heb.
The main contents and scope of the Epistle to the Hebrews point out the fact that the old covenant, with its sanctuary and altars and tables and sacrifices and priests, could not make their worshipers perfect.