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Example sentences for "enquiring"

Lexicographically close words:
enquired; enquirer; enquirers; enquires; enquiries; enquiringly; enquiry; enrage; enraged; enrages
  1. They walked at a good pace, contenting themselves by at times casting an enquiring look around them, without taking any other precaution to conceal their presence.

  2. He brushes away all these speculations without enquiring how much or how little truth there may be in them, because they are altogether beside the question.

  3. They slipped in at the last moment, rather red and out of breath, and seemingly anxious to avoid the enquiring eyes of the others.

  4. I wasted some time enquiring at the railway offices, and it was not till late in the afternoon that I saw a newspaper poster with the heading: 'Baby's Wonderful Escape from the Accident'.

  5. On enquiring how he understood this language, the German replied, that he was of Gipsy origin, and that it was spoken by this race in every part of his native land, for purposes of secrecy.

  6. But his eyes had an enquiring look in their black depths.

  7. Olivia, and then in answer to her husband's enquiring look she explained.

  8. But old Valentin could not refrain from enquiring whether he might not light the lantern and accompany his mistress.

  9. Once there, as the door had been left ajar, she could see the stranger lying in bed, but raising his head a little to greet Frau Helena, who was bending over him and enquiring how he had slept.

  10. He sought to comfort her; begging her to be composed, and anxiously enquiring what had happened?

  11. I heard a strange voice in the court, speaking to one of the men, and enquiring for Mamsell Grabrielle.

  12. Next morning he hears the magician, too honest by half, enquiring at the front door, with much expression of condolence, for the unfortunate young man who had lost his ropes in his own zenana.

  13. I have lived so long with you and your uncle, that I cannot see you unhappy without enquiring the cause.

  14. One more, and then I will not urge you again," said Mark to Gerald, eyeing him with a sharp, enquiring look.

  15. When he looked again upon Maywood's face, that hated individual's eyes were bent on him with a stern but enquiring glance, and in evident discomposure.

  16. It was to him that the "Confessions of an Enquiring Spirit" were originally addressed in the form of letters.

  17. Confessions of an Enquiring Spirit, originally addressed to Rev.

  18. Enquiring of the Frenchmen, they learned that she was a ship of twenty-four guns and sixty men.

  19. She did not wish me to be a governess, but advised me strongly against it; still I cannot think I have done wrong," added Amy, answering the enquiring look Miss Tremlow bent on her.

  20. I fancy in her own room, or with Miss Tremlow; she was here a few minutes ago, and was enquiring for you.

  21. As I found he was permitted to go quite unnoticed, I could not forbear enquiring who he was.

  22. Before I could answer, a servant came to tell me the chaise was ready, and that Mrs. Selwyn was enquiring for me.

  23. The Captain, without enquiring into any particulars of the affair, has peremptorily declared himself against it, merely because it has been proposed by Madame Duval; and they have battled the point together with great violence.

  24. But the Templar soon checked their forwardness, by enquiring for the old lady, with whom he said, with a grave-like countenance, that he had some business to settle.

  25. The ground of this singular absurdity is scarcely worth enquiring into.

  26. Next day I was in Sydney enquiring about a boat for Brisbane.

  27. Next morning I was early at Roma-street station, enquiring for my traps from Newcastle.

  28. After that Frank called at the hut nearly every day, enquiring if the Parson had been seen anywhere abroad.

  29. Of course I had told Miss Edgeworth, about his calling at Christmas and enquiring about her, and it made me rather suspicious when he came again.

  30. And her father would cast an enquiring glance at his wife, as if wondering whether she had the air of a victim of the marriage yoke, to be however promptly reassured by her smile of unaffected amusement at the child’s ingenuousness.

  31. There was a minute of suspense as the thoughtful, enquiring glance rested on my mother, and we trembled lest the objections urged against my father’s pleadings in Paris should still be maintained.

  32. It is a pity that children are generally so reserved and reticent, for a child of enquiring mind would learn much more, could it but impart its own thoughts and enquire about the things that puzzle it.

  33. The corporal commanding the escort began enquiring about horses, and on learning that they were scarce, he sent off his soldiers with orders to seize all they could find in the name of the Emperor.

  34. On enquiring his name from my fellow-travellers, a group of Sussex farmers, I found a general disinclination to touch on the subject.

  35. Wouldn't you like to grow up and be President, my enquiring young friend?

  36. He looked at me with a calm, enquiring gaze while I was speaking, and by that look I understood, in an inspiration, he had condemned me.

  37. From his wire cage, shrouded in a silk cover, the new canary piped a single enquiring note as he heard my step.

  38. When I came up late now, I would find the three of them poring over flower catalogues, with gathered brows and thoughtful, enquiring faces.

  39. His lower lip protruded angrily, and he sat staring into his glass of water with an enquiring and sulky look.

  40. The gentleman smiled benignly, and I saw from his merry glance that he did not share my mother's hostility to the enquiring mind.

  41. They seemed to dread it much, and were continually enquiring if we had it.

  42. On our enquiring the reason, we were told that the people in them were Eareeois, and were going to visit their brethren in the neighbouring isles.

  43. They told me they were going on board the ship with something for me; and, on my enquiring of them for Otoo, was told he was then at the tents.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enquiring" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.