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Example sentences for "enquirers"

Lexicographically close words:
enow; enquere; enquire; enquired; enquirer; enquires; enquiries; enquiring; enquiringly; enquiry
  1. During the first ten years I baptized forty Jews, whilst other enquirers of mine have been baptized in Constantinople, Smyrna, Jerusalem and London.

  2. He asked me whether I was willing to come into his Home for enquirers in order to be instructed in the truth as it is in the Lord Jesus.

  3. He devoted himself especially to the care of enquirers and to the circulation of the "Old Paths" and other missionary literature among the Jews in London.

  4. At least thirty of his enquirers were baptized there.

  5. A German prayer meeting was substituted for the service hitherto held on Friday evenings, in order to draw together some of the 2,000 proselytes, and numerous enquirers then in London.

  6. But he tells us himself that most enquirers considered them as Causes; and that Anaxagoras himself produced them as such.

  7. Assemblies will organise their efforts in such a way as to enable them to draw enquirers closer to the Cause and, if possible, meet with them and include them in suitable teaching classes.

  8. He hopes that some of the friends will find it possible to move, at least temporarily, to centres where sufficient believers, or interested enquirers exist to enable a Spiritual Assembly to be formed by 1944.

  9. Among early enquirers into the nature of human action the arts helped to fill up the void of speculation; and at first the comparison of the arts and the virtues was not perceived by them to be fallacious.

  10. Nearly contemporary with Anaxagoras and Empedokles, two other enquirers propounded a new physical theory very different from those already noticed--usually known under the name of the atomic theory.

  11. The process of philosophy may be differently performed by two enquirers equally free and sincere, even of the same age and country: and it is sure to be differently performed, if they belong to ages and countries widely apart.

  12. Enquirers after the way of salvation enquired no more.

  13. They invited all serious enquirers to the cottage to talk about Christianity.

  14. But, in common with the earlier enquirers of Greece, he trusts too implicitly to their guidance through all his daring adventure.

  15. Various systems, of a semi-physical, semi-metaphysical character, were founded on the answers given by the earliest enquirers to this question.

  16. He speaks disdainfully of those enquirers who fall into error by shrinking from the more adventurous paths that lead to truth-- Ardua dum metuunt amittunt vera viai.

  17. One of these enquirers invited Mr. Lü to the services, and this time he consented.

  18. Her suffering was evident to all; and one day one of the enquirers suggested that her husband should secretly give her an egg to eat, and so break her vow.

  19. Many enquirers had gathered around this centre, some with mixed motives, it is true.

  20. The enquirers had had the house cleaned up and prepared for our coming, and the key to the house had been given to Mr. Lü.

  21. Storm, wind, and rain had vanished like the flying phantoms of an evil dream, and all the beautiful land sparkled with light and life in its enlacing girdle of turquoise blue sea.

  22. The resemblance which his story and his ceremonies present to those of Osiris have led some enquirers both in ancient and modern times to hold that Dionysus was merely a disguised Osiris, imported directly from Egypt into Greece.

  23. Some enquirers decide in favour of Loranthus.

  24. Some modern enquirers decide in favour of the Loranthus.

  25. Enquirers on the laws of Landlord and Tenant, Husband and Wife, Debtor and Creditor, are supplied with the latest information.

  26. Some modern enquirers have attached very great importance to the undoubtedly wide and remarkable separation of the fourth or menial caste of Sudras from the three upper castes.

  27. Perhaps he and similarly-minded enquirers are able to read shorthand.

  28. Several enquirers have written for information as to the method of dividing the words in Esperanto.

  29. Our pages have had to be prepared so early this month that full news has not yet come to hand, and enquirers should write to the several secretaries.

  30. School and evening service and conversation with anxious enquirers at the tent door kept the missionary busy till late at night.

  31. Enquirers and men of science, who have mind for their object.

  32. I read with ardour those works, so full of genius and discrimination, which modern enquirers have written on these subjects.

  33. But all enquirers have admitted, that if conditions as to atmosphere were the same as on the earth, its greater distance from the sun would reduce the temperature to-31° F.

  34. Curious enquirers were simply informed that I had met with an accident.

  35. Thus while we conceive we have the account of a year in 365 days, exact enquirers and Computists will tell us, that we escape 6 hours, that is a quarter of a day.

  36. Greenland Enquirers seldom meet with a Whale of this kind: and therefore it is but a contingent Commodity, not reparable from any other.

  37. Notwithstanding we find most diligent enquirers to be of a contrary assertion.

  38. But neither the Buddha nor Christ were enquirers in this sense: they accepted the best thought of their time and country: with a genius which transcends comparison and eludes definition they gave it an expression which has become immortal.

  39. At the present time, it is difficult to persuade serious scientific enquirers to occupy themselves, in any way, with the Noachian Deluge.

  40. That is the enigma propounded to every human being who has been born into the world: that is the door at which so many enquirers have knocked in vain.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enquirers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.