Brad noted the hard orange glow of energy packsencapsulated in vehicles moving about on the dome and surrounding land surfaces.
If we get to this, citizens of INOR, do not rule out reprisals on your encapsulated communities.
A dozen or so rutted trails formed a network that connected encapsulated outposts to each other and to Pluto's solitary city.
He had accepted expulsion from the place of his birth as the alternative to the court's sentence of labor in Callisto's encapsulatedsubsurface mines.
This may be due to the setting free of encapsulated organisms, or because of a new infection at a point of least resistance.
Caseation forms cheesy masses, which may soften into tubercular pus, may calcify, and may become encapsulated by fibroid tissue.
In an acute abscess the surrounding brain tissue is engorged and infiltrated with pus; in a chronic abscess it is condensed, and the pus may be encapsulated by the formation of a zone of young fibrous tissue round its periphery.
They are encapsulated and vascular, frequently attain a large size, and may be single or multiple.
The granulation tissue may undergo caseation and liquefaction, or may become encapsulated by fibrous tissue--"encysted tubercle.
Foreign bodies encapsulated in the peritoneal cavity are specially dangerous, as the proximity of the intestine furnishes a constant possibility of infection.
Under other circumstances, the tuberculous tissue that has undergone caseation, or even calcification, is only encapsulated by the new fibrous tissue, like a foreign body.
In the substance of such glands as the mamma, parotid, thyreoid, and prostate, adenomas are met with as encapsulated tumours.
Soon I possessed a hoard of ideas and encapsulated thoughts which would serve to fuel the concepts expressed in the journal itself.
The more the mind grows the more humble its 'master' becomes, for he realizes that knowledge is infinity and infinity cannot be encapsulated in the human brain.
The more the mind grows, the more humble its "master" becomes, for he realizes that knowledge is infinity and infinity cannot be encapsulated in the human brain.
Encapsulated peritoneal exudations near the stomach have been mistaken for gastric cancer.