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Example sentences for "empty room"

  • I got into that room next door, but an empty room is slim picking.

  • And across from it was that other tenement, that held a new interest for him now, where, in an empty room on the second floor, she had said, old Doyle still lay.

  • But with the gladness of those days, there had come into her heart a strange quietness like the quietness of an empty room that is furnished and ready but without a tenant.

  • Her heart, still, was as an empty room--a room that is furnished and ready but without a tenant.

  • The woman whose heart was as an empty room stirred in her chair uneasily as one who feels the gaze of a hidden observer.

  • I entered the first newspaper office I came to, walked upstairs to the first floor, and opening the first door without knocking, passed through a small, empty room into a larger one, littered with books and papers.

  • I dreaded the echoing clang of the little front door when I closed it behind me, the climbing of the silent stairs, the solitude that waited for me in my empty room.

  • As soon as possible I went to Quarles and was shown into the empty room.

  • An empty mind in an empty room, there you have the best receptacle for that great will which guides and governs all thought and action.

  • This is nearly as good a place to think in as my empty room at Chelsea, Wigan.

  • Listless is the air in an empty room, just swelling the curtain; the flowers in the jar shift.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "empty room" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    alternate leaves; children were; empty bottle; empty chair; empty house; empty room; empty space; empty stomach; exceedingly interesting; fair share; free man; house door; introduction from; lady said; many stamens; much evil; national game; peculiar institution; persons shall; previously noted; ruled over; separate genus; solid column; striking example; thou deservest; what may