The meal over, she returned at once to the old-fashioned low chair, in which she had sat since the morning, in the embrasure of the one window that lighted her room.
The bomb went true to its mark, the embrasure flamed out a broad gush of fire, a loud report boomed thunderously and hollowly from it--and the spitting fire stream stopped abruptly.
Kentucky was suddenly aware of a machine-gun embrasure almost in front of them, placed in an angle of the trench so as to sweep the open ground in enfilade.
I had presence of mind enough left, however, to throw myself into an embrasure of the window.
They seated themselves in the two chairs which occupied the embrasure of the window, and Marie resumed her knitting, while Odile spread open a portfolio on her lap and seemed to be studying it.
He stands in the embrasure of one of the windows, the velvet curtains making a screen behind him.
One day he sought Falko Melegari when the latter was making up the accounts of his stewardship at an old bureau in a deep window-embrasure of the villa.
The Duke withdrew to theembrasure of a window, and immediately the prisoner was gruffly announced.
To the east was another tiny window like a deep loop-hole or embrasure set towards the Dirouilles and the Ecrehos.
Barnabas rushed from the room like a maddened tiger, while Jozsef, retiring cautiously behind the embrasure of the window, aimed his gun as they were placing his uncle's head upon a spike, and shot the first who raised it.
The father paced hastily up and down the apartment, now and then stopping short to address his son, who stood in the embrasure of one of the windows.
About midnight I hid myself in the embrasureof the window.
I concealed myself in the embrasure of a window, and sought to discover her thoughts from her bearing.
Illustration] Under some calico draperies in the shadyembrasure of a window, Arthur Pendennis chose to assume a very gloomy and frowning countenance, and to watch Miss Bell dance her first quadrille with Mr. Pynsent for a partner.
Laura went on dancing, and keeping an attentive eye upon Mr. Pen in the embrasure of the window.
In the course of the bombardment Franz himself, as he stood at an embrasure watching the progress of the siege, was flung against a splintered joist, owing to the gun-stand against which he was leaning being overturned by a cannon shot.
I had just trained a cannon, and was on the point of going away, so, to another embrasure when it struck me in the leg, just as if I had stepped into a hole and had no leg.
It struck the embrasure itself; it seems to have killed two men--see, they've carried them off!
The members' coffee-room seemed to Mr. Prohack to be a thousand miles off, and the chat with his cronies at the table in the window-embrasure to have happened a thousand years ago.
They turned in the embrasure and looked far and wide.
She sat down in the deep embrasure of the window, and looked out at the park with an abstraction that was not disturbed by the sound of the opening door, and the appearance of Edward Thornton.
I followed the direction of her gaze, and saw in the embrasure of a door, standing and looking at me, with sorrowful attention, Cornelius.
The door at the foot of the tower had been built up by a great pile of sandbags, leaving a narrow embrasure in the corner--a mere slit like that of an exaggerated slot in a pillar box.
From an embrasure in the angle of the salient above him the hateful hammering of a German machine-gun began.
He dug the sleeping-hole on the crest of the ridge, making it larger than usual, and piled up a snow breastwork in front of it, with an embrasure through which he could look or fire without being seen.
Then he returned to hisembrasure in the snow-fort and resumed his watch.
She frowned, and turning towards a cannon in the embrasure behind her, spread the white tunic carefully upon it.
She was seated in an embrasure of the terrace--the same, in fact, in which she had taken measurements for John's new tunic.
There was light enough for them to see--just above their heads--the ugly gray muzzle of the mitrailleuse peeping out through an embrasure in the earthen bank.
Ken raised his head cautiously and peered through the embrasure in front.
With a half turn he looked over the battlements and gazed down from their dizzy height, and as he appeared at the embrasure there arose a hoarse cry from below.
And a great light came out from them into the darkness; so that I looked up into the night many miles, and yet did see them in shining rows; and did make separate each embrasure from its fellow for a great way.
Ascending the stairs, he found on the landing- place, near his room, and by the embrasure of a huge casement which jutted from the wall, Adam and his daughter.
He bade us sit down in the embrasure of one of the windows, where two chairs had been placed near each other, and then he proceeded to his game with Don Vigilio.
The conversation was here interrupted by a young man, who hesitatingly approached the embrasure of the window, with the intention of inviting the lady to dance.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "embrasure" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.