Therefore he was diligent in foreséeing of things by good aduise, although age would not giue him leaue to execute the same by his owne hand and force of bodie.
Wherevpon béeing after laboured to double the summe he vtterlie refused, and determining rather to forsake the realme than to commit such an offense, made suit to the king for licence to go to Rome to fetch his pall of the pope.
King William being thus escaped out of that present danger, and séeing himselfe not able to resist the puissance of his enimies, [Sidenote: Simon Dun.
The man taking warning by his losse, and séeing his other sonne fallen sicke, goeth vnto maister =Theodorus= and sheweth him all the matter.
Appianus= declareth what signes and wonders went before the ciuill warres at Rome: what miserable cries of men clashing of armour, and running of horses were heard, no man séeing any thing.
And it hath come to passe likewise, that some eyther slaine in the warres, or otherwise deade naturally, haue called vnto their acquaintance béeing aliue, and haue bene knowne by their voice.
These things thus done, the Supprior béeing in good hope to restore all that they had lost, appeared againe to the Frier, saying that he was =S.
The Frier vpon this reuealeth the whole matter vnto his fathers, desiring to be confessed of his sinnes, wherby he might be found worthy the apparition or séeing of our Lady.
I haue hearde of some which in their sléepe haue done that which béeing awake, they could not do by any meanes.
Furthermore, holie Scripture dooth vse to speake of things, rather according to the opinion and iudgement of men, than according to the substaunce and true béeing which they haue indéede.
Howbeit, after this, manie of the bishops séeing wherevnto this broile would grow, began to shrinke from the archbishop, and inclined to the king.
Saxons at a place called Maesbell, and ouerthrew them in a strong battell, from the which as Hengist was fléeing to [Sidenote: Hengist taken and beheaded.
Maudelen fléeing into Scotland, was taken by the waie, and brought to the Tower.
The Spanyards séeing this, gaue the onser, and wanne a forte, and came into the chiefe place of the Citie.
Here must we either vanquish the enimies, or else die in the field: for no hope of safegard remaineth in fléeing awaie.
The empresse therefore doubting the sequele, and séeing hir prouision to decaie, deuised a shift how to escape that present danger, which by force she was vnlikelie to performe.
The bishop thus séeing no hope to be deliuered without some agréement had betwixt the two kings, became now through irkesomenesse of his bonds, an earnest mediatour for peace, whereas before he had beene an extreme stirrer vp of war.
Sidenote: The emperor dissuadeth the king from agréeing to the peace.
This he did, foreséeing what might happen, prouiding as it were against such practises as his brethren might happilie attempt against him.
What better fare than well content, agréeing with thy wealth?
Foreséeing this, come day or night, take vp what place ye please.
There died of the Britains that daie 5000 men, and the residue escaped by fléeing as well as they might.
He'll be gi'eing her another bite an' sup, belike.
And ye ken weel that the Dooke of Harewood hae get me lappet up here in prison sae I canna get out to prevent him ha'eing his wicked will, in marrying the heiress o' Lone?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.