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Example sentences for "earlier chapter"

  • As the Lancers left the valley, an incident occurred which illustrates what has been said in an earlier chapter, and is characteristic of the daily life of the natives.

  • To devour these great numbers of vultures quickly assembled and disputed the abundant prey with the odious lizards, which I have mentioned in an earlier chapter, and which emerged from holes and corners to attack the corpses.

  • I draw the reader's attention to this unpleasant subject, only to justify what I have said in an earlier chapter of the degradation of mind in which the savages of the mountains are sunk.

  • The commodity could then be kept either for the use of their families and sold to their immediate friends, or sent up to London by the "duffers" in the manner we spoke of in an earlier chapter.

  • But next to the abominable cruelties perpetrated by the Hawkhurst gang related in an earlier chapter, I have found no incident so utterly brutal and savage as the following.

  • In an earlier chapter of this book I referred to the large part that James Sterling had played in the upbuilding of this iron industry.

  • In an earlier chapter I referred to the easy traditions of the long-agos in regard to the passenger receipts from the average American railroad.

  • In an earlier chapter [Footnote: See above, pp.

  • In an earlier chapter, an account has been given of the maritime discoveries of the sixteenth century and their immediate results in broadening intellectual interests.

  • In an earlier chapter I told of a man I met upon a train who, though he lived in Buffalo, had never seen Niagara Falls.

  • The Central Traffic Parkway of St. Louis is, as has been said in an earlier chapter, still on paper only.

  • In an earlier chapter I mentioned Quantrell's gang of border ruffians, of which Frank and Jesse James were members, and referred to the Lawrence massacre conducted by the gang.

  • As mentioned before in an earlier chapter, there is nothing like having plenty of practice with the reed and quill pen to help the student towards ability to mass and arrange lettering in the best possible way.

  • These letters are constructed in a similar manner to that described in an earlier chapter on forming Roman capitals.

  • The mention of Oxford historians reminds me of my friend Professor Dingo, to whom reference has been made in an earlier chapter.

  • It has been stated in an earlier chapter that I discovered the Sacramental System of the Church by the simple method of studying the Prayer Book.

  • I said in an earlier chapter that I had an inborn fondness for Catholic ceremonial, and this, I suppose, was part of my general love of material beauty.

  • But, after what I said in an earlier chapter, it will surprise no one that I declined to be a candidate for the London County Council.

  • I made passing reference to this in an earlier chapter.

  • Warbleton, a village in the iron country, two miles south of Heathfield, is famous for its association with Richard Woodman, the Sussex martyr, who is mentioned in an earlier chapter.

  • The episode of the captain's cautious bargaining with the King, of which Colonel Gunter tells in the narrative from which I have quoted in an earlier chapter, is carefully suppressed on the memorial tablet.

  • Overeating during pregnancy should be carefully guarded against, as emphasized in an earlier chapter.

  • The sterilized pads and necessary articles mentioned in an earlier chapter are, of course, close at hand.

  • It is now time to consider a branch of this hypothesis which has been suggested by the philologist Professor NoirĂ©, to which allusion has already been made in an earlier chapter.

  • The difficult question as to whether there is such a thing as an "average-sized" thought and lyrical reflection upon it has been touched upon in an earlier chapter.

  • Canute's policy is revealed in the act at Nidaros, discussed in an earlier chapter, when in the presence of lords from all his realms, he led Harthacanute to the high seat and thus proclaimed him a king of his own rank.

  • The appointment of Danes to places of importance in England has been noted in an earlier chapter.

  • The circumstances of Eric's promotion to the Northern earldom have been discussed in an earlier chapter.

  • To trace, from his first step on Paris boards, the successive sites of Moliere's theatres is a delightful task, in natural continuation of that begun in an earlier chapter, where those theatres in existence before his time were pointed out.

  • The ecclesiastical settlement within the cathedral cloisters, and its only remaining cottage, have been spoken of in an earlier chapter.

  • His plan, as now is generally known, provides not alone for the eight-hour day for all classes of railroad employees, but includes the most important feature of compulsory arbitration referred to in an earlier chapter.

  • And this despite the interesting opinion of Mr. Harrington Emerson which I have given in an earlier chapter.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "earlier chapter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    both fore; certain hour; certain sort; commercial treaty; earlier agreement; earlier chapter; earlier date; earlier days; earlier life; earlier period; earlier time; earlier times; extinct volcano; good sized; large income; large island; little wind; livestock products; living person; mild form; necessary truths; perfectly lovely; ready sale; reference should; shall give; skin side