Aftre take also a drope of bawme, and put it in to a dissche or in a cuppe with mylk of a goat; and zif it be naturelle bawme, anon it wole take and beclippe the mylk.
Thou pinchest at my mutabilitee, For I thee lente a drope of my richesse, And now me lyketh to with-drawe me.
But certes, the arowe that in me stood Of me ne drew no drope of blood, For-why I found my wounde al dreye.
By worde eterne whylom was hit shape That fro the fifte cercle, in no manere, Ne mighte a drope of teres doun escape.
So malt ðat mete in hem to nogt, So a watreſ drope in a fier brogt.
Wel coude she carie a morsel and wel kepe, That no dropene fille up-on hir brest.
Wel coude she carie a morsel, and wel kepe, That no drope ne fille upon hir brest.
This Robert Dropeincreased the water-conduit upon Cornhill, etc.
Whan sche this vertu hadde sein, Sche let the leste drope of alle Upon the bare flor doun falle; Anon ther sprong up flour and gras, Where as the drope falle was, 4150 And wox anon al medwe grene, So that it mihte wel be sene.
And that was sene upon the riche: For he ne wolde unto his liche 1120 A Crumme yiven of his bred, Thanne afterward, whan he was ded, A drope of water him was werned.
As water that doun runneth ay, But never drope returne may,' &c.
Wel coude she carie a morsel, and wel kepe, 130 That no drope ne fille up-on hir brest.
He taketh his leve, and she astonied stood, In al hir face nas a drope of blood; 1340 She wende never han come in swich a trappe: 'Allas!
Som drope of pitee, thurgh thy gentillesse, 920 Up-on us wrecched wommen lat thou falle.
The longe night and eek a day also, For al the fyr and eek the bathes hete, 520 She sat al cold, and felede no wo, It made hir nat a drope for to swete.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drope" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.