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Example sentences for "drear"

Lexicographically close words:
dreamlike; dreampt; dreams; dreamt; dreamy; drearie; drearier; dreariest; drearily; dreariness
  1. The spring of a joyous hope was rising voiceless somewhere in the thick of those drear corridors.

  2. He might have, himself, and with a better advantage to his fortunes, could he have penetrated the vestments of that drear philosophic heart.

  3. Now drear December's boreal blasts arise, A roaring hailstorm sweeps the shuddering skies, Night with condensing horror mantles all, And trembling watch-lights glimmer from the wall.

  4. Ah, lend thy friendly shroud to veil my sight, That these pain'd eyes may dread no more the light; These welcome shades shall close my instant doom, And this drear mansion moulder to a tornb.

  5. Trod with all steps that man's long march compose, Dim drear disastrous; ere his foot could gain A height so brilliant o'er the bestial train.

  6. See how the dusk pines Tremble and crouch; Over wide wastes borne, white are the snow-wreaths blown, And loud the drear icy fjords shudder and moan; Lilith comes!

  7. Forth the two From that drear cavern passed.

  8. This solitude I fear; The land about is chill,” she said, “and drear It seems to me.

  9. Or dost thou, rather, from the horrid scene Turn thy relenting eye to the soft mein Of prostrate Mercy, who with powerful tears, Arrests thy wrath, and the drear prospect clears.

  10. One only portal opes the gloomy road; One dire condition bursts the drear abode.

  11. Then the drear hatchway morning hands disclose, And point the sufferers to a change of woes.

  12. Sad strains of feeble melancholy flow; Half-meaning fragments of recorded woe, In wild succession break the pensive lay, Through the drear night and lamentable day.

  13. It's the hard work and merciless grinding That purchases glory and fame; It's repeatedly doing, nor minding The drudgery drear of the game.

  14. A novice, taller than her sisters, stood forward from the group, as though eager to catch the first evidence of the deed that was to be done on that drear evening.

  15. From the drear depths of woe and desolation Our cry of bitter need Floats upward in the swell Of De Profundis bell.

  16. Though drear the desert path, With cruel thorns and flinty fragments strewn, Where fiercely swept, amid the glare of noon.

  17. You start in the drear December weather, with a gray sky and leaden clouds softly shaded in regular billows, like an India-ink ocean, overhead, and a somewhat muddy lane before you.

  18. See, we were nursed in the drear nightfold of your fatalist creed, And we turn'd to the growing dawn, we had hoped for a dawn indeed, When the light of a sun that was coming would scatter the ghosts of the past.

  19. She adored his virtues, and with mixed contempt and indignation she saw Evadne pile drear sorrow on his head, for the sake of one who hardly marked her.

  20. Better die at once--better plunge a poinard in her bosom, still untouched by drear adversity, and then again sheathe it in my own!

  21. We had expected this moment with eagerness, for now we had accomplished the worst part of our drear journey, and Switzerland was near at hand.

  22. But should I die in this drear land of BEARS, Oh!

  23. Chill drops the rain, and not a ray Illumes the drear and misty way!

  24. Thou wert not there--so SELIM thought, And every thing seemed drear without thee; But, ah!

  25. The saddest land I have ever seen, with little vegetation to cover its old bones--just the stark drear plains.

  26. The East to which she had come with a torch became a mere drear fact of over-powering millions.

  27. And how drear and deserted the country looks--open, desolate, and bare.

  28. What could they find to occupy them among these drear pine-woods?

  29. The view from the summit was as wild and drear as one of the circles in Dante’s “Inferno.

  30. Inexorable, vapid, vague and chill The drear sand-levels drain my spirit low.

  31. Midst of the crowd old Gris Grillon, the maimed, -- A wretched wreck that fate had floated out From the drear storm of battle at Poictiers.

  32. On the cairn are fixed her eyes Where her murdered father lies, And a voice remote and drear She seems to hear.

  33. Smouldered the fire on the hearth, on the board was the supper untasted, Empty and drear was each room, and haunted with phantoms of terror.

  34. Stern was her lot in life; She was a drunkard's wife; And forests drear Shut not temptation out; Strong drink was sold and bought; Poor pioneer!

  35. Less drear the winter night shall be, If memory cheer and hearten Its heavy hours with thoughts of thee, Sweet summer of St. Martin!

  36. MY SOUL AND I Stand still, my soul, in the silent dark I would question thee, Alone in the shadow drear and stark With God and me!

  37. So, in those winters of the soul, By bitter blasts and drear O'erswept from Memory's frozen pole, Will sunny days appear.

  38. On the other hand, she knew too well the drear loneliness that would close upon her in Vancouver when the Marshes left.

  39. She did not once experience the drear loneliness that had sat on her like a dead weight the last month before she turned her back on Granville and its unhappy associations.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drear" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    black; bleak; cold; dark; desolate; disconsolate; dismal; dreary; dusky; funereal; gloomy; grave; gray; grey; grim; sad; saturnine; solemn; somber; stark; sunless; triste; wearisome; weary