He shook his bridle and was off, with youth and gallantry in every line of him, from his red toupet and flowing dolman to the spur which twinkled on his heel.
Halil Patrona, by the way, was still wearing his old Janissary uniform, the blue dolman with the salavari reaching to the knee, leaving the calves bare.
Twice I have had it at Wandsbeck, just outside Hamburg, where, under Pastor Dolman of our London Society, the work is entirely for and amongst Jews.
Coming back to-night I hear from Mrs. Dolman that he--that he has gone away again.
In effect it was all summed up clearly and fairly that night by Mrs. Betty Siggs in the housekeeper's room to Mrs. Dolman in a moment of confidence.
The French themselves tell us that it was he who first acquainted them with the hussar's uniform, and that the dolman he wore at Versailles served Louis XIV.
His dolman is embroidered with a flower-pattern of precious stones, and everything about his horse, from its hoofs to its snaffle, is of pure gold.
There was a black cloth pelisse, a white dolman with gold braid and fur, and a shako of scarlet cloth, surmounted by an aigrette of white heron's plumes.
The landlord stroked the fur of the dolman caressingly.
She caressed her neck affectionately, called for her black lace mantilla, her long, black silk dolman lined with red, and she was ready.
In the evening inpour of young men and women came Aileen and Norah, the former throwing off a thin net veil of black lace and a dolman of black silk, which her brother Owen took from her.
The Prince signified to the soldiers to stop here, and, without a word, began to take off his dolman and mantle and tuck up his sleeves.
From what he perceived of her case he wished to have her more immediately under his care than he could in the convent, and he and Mrs. Dolman most kindly invited her to their house.
I asked her what she had done with that black dolman I gave her not three months ago—you remember that dolman trimmed with black lace that I was rather fond of?
But they do take you in so at those town shops; why, I could have got a new dolman for what it cost to cover that one!
He would cast from the shoulders of the Reverend Dolman a trifle more of the load he was carrying.
The Reverend Mr. Dolman thinks only of our souls, daughter; naturally, too, and one can hardly be a Christian and race horses.
His question forced Dolman to define his position.
The Reverend Dolman smiled meekly, but it was in triumph.
Mr. Dolman said, putting the points of his fingers together in front of his lean chest.
Porter made a deprecatory gesture, but Dolman proceeded.
In his zealousness Mr. Dolmanmight anger her husband, then his logic would avail little.
Crane shifted in his chair, and Dolman coughed deprecatingly.
The Brookfieldians had discovered a huge beetle in the amber of their serene existence; it was really the Reverend Dolman who had unearthed the monster.
Allis's sudden onslaught switched Mr. Dolman from the aggressive to the defensive with great celerity.
It happened that the Reverend Mr. Dolman graced the Porter home with his presence the same evening that Crane was there.
Inadvertently the Reverend Mr. Dolman had intensified the strained relationship that existed between the good people who frowned upon all racing endeavor and those who saw but little sinfulness in John Porter's way of life.
Dolman found him rather a difficult man to tackle.
D'Hubert came slowly down the walk, unclasping his dolman with unconcealed disgust.
Feraud, splendid in his new dolman and the extremely polished boots of his calling, sat on a chair within a foot of the couch, one hand resting on his thigh, the other twirling his moustache to a point.
Feraud unhooked the clasp, flung his new dolman on the bed, and, folding his arms across his chest, turned to the other hussar.
As she was not likely to meet any of the Dolman family on the road, Diana did not wear her sun-bonnet, but kept it hanging on her arm.
She trotted off, and Mrs. Dolman gazed after her with a petrified expression of horror on her round face.
At that moment Mrs. Dolman and Miss Ramsay entered the room.
They all looked up in alarm, to see Aunt Jane Dolman and their father standing close by.
Mrs. Dolman was frightened now, and rushed for cold water.
There was not a word of defiance from Diana now, and not a single utterance of reproach, but when she looked at Mrs. Dolman there was an expression in her black eyes from which this lady absolutely recoiled.
So they did, and Mr. Dolman devoutly hoped that there was no one there to see.
Mrs. Dolman began to run after her, which fact excited the little girl very much.
The rickety old fly drew up with a jerk opposite the big front entrance, and Mrs. Dolman got out.
Mrs. Dolman waited until the meal had come to an end, then she called the little girl to her side.
Then, when for the third time, with my panache flying and my dolman streaming behind me, I thundered past him, I saw upon his hard old face that he had no longer any doubt that he had chosen the man for his purpose.
Dolman had seen his patient for the first time on the previous afternoon.
Dolman had not spoken to Mrs. Harrison, but he had seen her.
Hawes was away, and, saying it would be an excellent joke to mislead a young doctor, she arranged that Mrs. Harrison should take her place when Dolman came.
Exasperated by the certainty that her hat and dolmanwere ruined, Pennyloaf flew with erected nails at Clem Peckover.
She held in her hand the fragment of a hat, and her dolmanhad disappeared.
When they at last rose from the table, the judge drew from under hisdolman a little note that Fraulein Fruzsinka had slipped into his hand under the table--a missive that an onlooker might have taken perhaps for a love-letter.
The dark Hungarian dolman that he wears suits him admirably.
His short embroidered dolman reached to his hips, and was confined by a costly girdle, wherefrom depended a little pouch containing pen and ink, while his watch-chain dangled from his breeches' pocket.
Palmerston watched the good woman as she labored down the path, her dusty skirts drawn close about her substantial ankles, and the beaded dolman glittering unfeelingly in the sun.
The next afternoon Mrs. Dysart put on her beaded dolman and her best bonnet and panted through the tar-weed to call upon her new neighbor.
In his room Lieutenant Feraud unhooked the clasp, flung his new dolman on the bed, and folding his arms across his chest, turned to the other hussar.
Lieutenant D'Hubert, coming slowly down the walk, unclasped his dolman with undisguised reluctance.
She went and got on her dolman and her spring hat and left me in wrath and the midst of that income tax with that "I'll never come back" air so familiar to all well-regulated families.
Well, she give in at that, and sat down the snake and herdolman and pocket-book.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dolman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.