Though it has some very fine and some very beautiful blank verse passages (usually undramatic), its lyrics are its glory; and this is even more the case with Hellas.
Probably the best-known lyrics of the two poets are the stanzas To a Skylark and the Ode to a Nightingale.
To reject this theory is to imply no want of gratitude for the lyrics of some of its adherents; but the theory itself seems strangely thoughtless.
But, while he wrote nothing that was not beautiful, his masterpieces are based only on themes furnished by the lyrics of such poets as Goethe, Heine, and Rilckert.
That his life should have been simultaneous with the perfect literary unfolding of the old Volkslied in the superb lyrics of Goethe, Heine, and their school, is quite remarkable.
Had it not been for the rich soil of popular song, we should not have had the peerless lyrics of modern Germany.
Had I laid him aside on quitting college, as you did, I should perhaps have only remembered such of his epicurean lyrics as recommended themselves to the warns fancy of boyhood.
At noon unnumbered rills begin to spring Beneath the burning sun, and all the walls Of all the ocean-blue crevasses ring With liquidlyrics of their waterfalls; As if a poet's heart had felt the glow Of sovereign love, and song began to flow.
Yet, when he chose, Berlioz could write the most exquisite and dainty lyrics possible.
But, while he wrote nothing that was not beautiful, his masterpieces are based only on themes furnished by the lyrics of such poets as Goethe, Heine, and Rueckert.
Write lyrics portraying the spirit and events of the times and put the lyrics to music using a melody of the period.
Welsh Lyrics of the Nineteenth Century Selected and Translated by Edmund O.
For by their very position in the Breviary, side by side with the Psalms, Scripture extracts and words of the Fathers, the Church shows her esteem and her use of these lyrics of prayer and praise.
For Mary Shelley's mythological dramas can at least claim to be the proper setting for some of the most beautiful lyrics of the poet, which so far have been read in undue isolation.
The success owed something to the beautiful lyrics which were dispersed through the play and had been set to music by Robert Johnson, a lutenist in high repute.
His pure and simple style appealed to the popular taste, and some of his lyrics have become genuine folk-songs.
The poets from whose work the lyrics in this book have been selected were mostly writers of voluminous Diwans, and they occupied various and diverse stations in life.
Had Miss Cromwell lived she would almost certainly have added some distinguished work to our poetry, since the lyrics contained in the volume of her verse issued after her death are of so fine a quality.
In addition to his work in Swedish poetry, he has made an excellent rendering of the lyrics of Hofmansthal, the Austrian poet.
Miss Teasdale was also the editor of "The Answering Voice; A Hundred Love Lyrics by Women", 1917.
All three were much used by Wordsworth and many minor poets for lyricsas well as narratives; the result is often an undignified tinkle that takes the popular ear and "makes the judicious grieve.
Tennyson's unrimed lyrics and Collins' Ode to Evening are unusual, though successful, experiments.
At the time when the bravest of all classes were going forward to form new regiments and to fill up the shattered lines of the older ones, his lyrics came to the souls of loyal men with thrills of exultation.
From the gay and jaunty verse of the poet's youth to his strong and passionate lyrics of the war there was a surpassing change, and it will be interesting to trace it in his life, and in the course of historic events.
He himself was inspired by his new found happiness to a perfect deluge of songs—master lyricswhich rank with those of Schubert as among the greatest treasurers of song literature.
Possibly if the latter had been able to foresee that the youth before him would become, some years later, one of the greatest musical interpreters of his lyrics he might have treated him with more warmth than he did.
And yet many of Jonson's lyrics will live as long as the language.
The following poem, which we find in the Philadelphia Press, is among the best of the many sad lyrics which the war has inspired.
If he had not been a poet in color, we might have expected of him pastoral lyrics imbued with the spirit of Cowper or Thompson.
In attempting to select representative lyrics one is embarrassed by the wealth of material.
At least one composer, Thomas Campion, wrote both the words and the music of his songs; and there are no sweeter lyrics in English poetry than are to be found in Campion's song-books.
The delightful lyrics in Jones' song-books have escaped the notice of all the editors of anthologies.
His lyrics are not merely the product of a moment of passion or of a passing emotion; the strings of his lyre were not set vibrating by every breeze that blew.
But what he lacked in breadth he made up in the directness and intensity of his accent, and these eminently lyric qualities give his lyrics a distinction among those of his country.
No doubt lyric expression was no new discovery then; lyrics in the popular language had existed from time immemorial.
Latin poet whose lyrics show intensity of feeling and rare grace of expression.
The technical qualities of these lyrics were a revelation.
Her work is mainly in prose, in history, criticism and fiction, but she wrote a few lyrics marked by deep and true sentiment.
The personal emotion from which his lyrics spring appears always intellectually illumined, with its background of scientific corollaries and logical consequences.
He felt profoundly the influence of German literature, and his lyrics show something of this in the spiritual quality of their sentiment.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lyrics" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: book; lyric; melody