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Example sentences for "district school"

  • John Robertson pursued a district school education in California, to which state he was taken by his parents when a lad of but seven years.

  • Pollard acquired a district school education in his native state and at sixteen years of age left the parental roof to start out in life on his own account.

  • Lambdin spent his youthful days upon the home farm and acquired a district school education.

  • Pettijohn spent his youthful days upon the old homestead and acquired a district school education.

  • We see the Poor Law inspector arranging a special visit to inspect them, and to confer with the guardians to urge a district school (MS.

  • A "separate school" belonging to a single union or separate parish would naturally be much smaller than a district school, but nothing is said as to the merits or demerits of an aggregated school of moderate size.

  • The dramatic change from the views of 1850 is the abandonment of the "district school.

  • Of Garfield's extended services as teacher, beginning with the charge of a district school in the wilderness, and ending with the presidency of a college, we already know.

  • That might be his future vocation, not teaching a district school, of course, but this would be the first round of the ladder that might lead to a college professorship.

  • During vacations we labored in the harvest-field, or taught a district school, as we could.

  • Think of me in a district school-house, talking to the teacher about the diameter of a grindstone!

  • Maude's tears always moved Jerry, who tried to reassure the weeping girl with the assurance that perhaps, if she tried very hard, she might some time know enough to teach a district school.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "district school" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    approach them; certain regions; diamond bracelet; district attorney; district court; district courts; district judge; district school; first lesson; good repute; hear anything; its length; later point; loaf sugar; make fast; passed close; past experience; public debt; reminded himself; represents the; should hate; small degree; speak properly; special order; this book; wine merchant