I discommend them not: but straw Hiues are in vse with vs, and I thinke with all the world, which I commend for nimblenesse, closenesse, warmnesse and drinesse.
If not, why do you not say as much to commend them for these, or at least to commend these in themselves, as you do to discommend them for their faults?
Discommend a boy, and you discourage him; but commend him, and it will spur him on.
Seldom discommend anything though never so bad, or doe it but moderately, lest you bee unexpectedly forced to an unhansom retraction.
If I live on, dear Lady, in the void Caused by your absences, I seem to' offend Him who adores you, and to discommend The bliss that in your presence I enjoyed.
If at passers-by you send The fair work your fingers do, How think you to discommend That which others weave for you!