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Example sentences for "dilapidations"

Lexicographically close words:
diking; diko; diksha; dilapidated; dilapidation; dilatable; dilatation; dilatations; dilate; dilated
  1. Dilapidations had to be made good; debts necessarily incurred left little room for generosity.

  2. He finds the language in which he has embarked his fame gradually altering and subject to the dilapidations of time and the caprice of fashion.

  3. The principles on which such dilapidations are to be ascertained, and the application of the money payable in respect thereof, depend partly on old ecclesiastical law and partly on acts of parliament.

  4. To place the law relating to dilapidations on a more satisfactory footing, the Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act 1871 was passed.

  5. Questions as to ecclesiastical dilapidations usually arise in respect of the residence house and other buildings belonging to the living.

  6. He may even compel him to pay for repairing improvements which he has effected in the tenement itself, if dilapidations exist.

  7. And to these external dilapidations, we must add the far more important dilapidations from within, affecting all the institutions of the State, and all the forces, whether moral or political, which had originally raised it or maintained it.

  8. His exact liability in this respect and also in respect of insuring against fire is now regulated by the Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act, 1871.

  9. On an exchange, the claim for dilapidations may be waived on both sides, with a view to their falling, in the case of each benefice, on the incoming instead of on the outgoing incumbent; Wright v.

  10. Aunt Dionysia did not know by experience what valuers for dilapidations were, but she had always heard that valuation for dilapidations materially diminished the property of a deceased incumbent.

  11. You can try the timber, and find it rotten, and lay on dilapidations enough to cover a new conservatory.

  12. He had left about a thousand pounds, but then Mrs. Trevisa did not yet know how large a bite out of this thousand pounds would be taken by the dilapidations on rectory, glebe, and chancel.

  13. Dashall and Tallyho remarked with enthusiasm on these beautiful relics of the sculpture of former ages, several of which were mutilated and disfigured by the dilapidations of time and accident.

  14. The castle, being mediaeval, might also be dilapidated, and dilapidations were surely cheap.

  15. She lived at Balham; she saw the curate, and she heard about the dilapidations in the neighbour's roof.

  16. Sometimes a neighbour looked in, and spoke of dilapidations and the indifference of the landlord; of the reductions at a High Road linendraper's, and the whooping-cough.

  17. The dilapidations were sometimes sudden, sometimes gradual, and the restorations have continued at frequent intervals almost to the present day.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dilapidations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.