The general consensus of opinion is that the remedy has a specific action upon tubercular tissues, and is, therefore, applicable as a very delicate and sure reagent for discovering latent and diagnosing doubtful tuberculous processes.
It is very simple, and, where you have no other means of diagnosing (such as the ophthalmoscope), it does away with the necessity of trying so many lenses before the proper one is found.
This is extremely useful for the purpose of diagnosing the morphological normality in relation to the age.
There is little difficulty, as a rule, in diagnosing a case of fulminating tetanus, but there are several conditions with which it may occasionally be confused.
As an aid in diagnosing the source of the bleeding, it should be remembered that the rupture of a vein does not affect the pulsation in the limb beyond.
Harris took the middle course ofdiagnosing "smallpox and measles mingled," a name by which the form that we now call haemorrhagic smallpox had been known from the early part of the seventeenth century.
If they go around diagnosing typhus, the news'll spread almost as fast as through the papers.
Experience has shown that the influence of posture on the pain is not a safe guide in diagnosing the location of the ulcer.
The possibility of rousing a patient during the earlier portion of the progress of these symptoms will assist in diagnosing the effects of poisoning by opium from those due to apoplexy, epilepsy, &c.
As a means of diagnosing poisoning by belladonna it has been recommended to introduce a few drops of urine into the eye of an animal, to see if dilatation of the pupil takes place.
Experienced practitioners can approximate the patient's temperature with remarkable accuracy, but I strongly recommend the use of the self-registering clinical thermometer, which is a most valuable instrument in diagnosing diseases.
The location of the tumor at its commencement is important, as, for instance, in diagnosing between lipoma and carcinoma, the former being more or less movable under the skin, while a carcinoma develops in the skin.
In answer to these questions it may be said that tuberculin is not absolutely infallible, and yet it is by far the best method of diagnosing tuberculosis that has been discovered.
Where this method of diagnosing the disease has been adopted tuberculosis is gradually being eradicated.
I ain't going to do no diagnosing in public--not for ten cents.
The importance of a proper use of the term typho-malarial implies co-ordinate care in diagnosing the true nature of the malady it should define.
Hardly a single lesion can be specified which may not be absent in particular cases, yet some are so characteristic that, when taken along with the symptoms during life, they very materially assist in diagnosing the disease.
Enlargement of the liver and spleen may be determined before death, and in connection with other symptoms would aid in diagnosing deposits in these organs.
In China and Zululand, as in Mrs. Piper's case, the spirits are fond of diagnosing and prescribing for absent patients.
The eye test is now universally accepted as a very satisfactory means of diagnosing glanders.
It is of the greatest importance, as an aid in diagnosing the gravity of an attack of fever and as an indication in the selection of its mode of treatment, to recognize the exact cause of a febrile condition in the horse.
The history of the case is of much service in diagnosing the trouble.
Diagnosing diseases by listening, either with or without instruments.
For the first time, a self-diagnosing map to the major approaches to therapy is made available.
I say we had best look our times and lands searchingly in the face, like a physician diagnosing some deep disease.
I have succeeded in diagnosing a slight diastolic murmur; very slight.
Auscultation of the lungs is of great value in diagnosing and watching the progress of the disease.
For all practical purposes we are justified in diagnosing infectious abortion, if several animals in the herd abort, especially if it follows the introduction of new animals.
It is of the greatest aid in diagnosing and in noting the progress of the disease.
The spavin test may be of value in diagnosing lameness.
First, the difficulty of diagnosing with certainty a perforating lesion.
I think the only points of any importance in diagnosing pure concussion were the transitory nature of the symptoms, and the uniformity of recovery, without persistence of any signs of minor destructive lesion.
Never trust yourself under the hands of a professed phrenologist unless you are confident of his skill in estimating anddiagnosing your physical condition.
I will have no village apothecaries diagnosingmy disease, no ignorant quack telling me how to treat myself.
What could medicine do for this man beyond diagnosing his case, and giving an opinion about it, for the satisfaction--God save the mark!
Lady Palliser sent for the local medical man, who had very little difficulty in diagnosing the case.
A physician, diagnosingthe chances of a patient, must first correctly ascertain, or at least ascertain with approximate correctness, the seat of the trouble under which the patient is suffering.
Their presence may therefore aid in diagnosing the latter as well as the former condition of the hepatic organ.
The presence of these substances may therefore assist us in diagnosing the case.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diagnosing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.