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Example sentences for "detonator"

Lexicographically close words:
detonated; detonates; detonating; detonation; detonations; detonators; detour; detours; detract; detracted
  1. You can’t expect a detonator to be absolutely fool-proof.

  2. The detonator is partly mechanical, partly chemical,” he explained, with casual condescension.

  3. I am trying to invent a detonator that would adjust itself to all conditions of action, and even to unexpected changes of conditions.

  4. The detonator was connected with the screw top of the can.

  5. But I was thinking of my perfect detonator only.

  6. The pressing of this ball actuates a detonator inside the flask I carry in my pocket.

  7. Guncotton containing more than 15% of water is uninflammable, may be compressed or worked without danger and is much more difficult to detonate by a fulminate detonator than when dry.

  8. Compressed dry guncotton is easily detonated by an initiative detonator such as mercuric fulminate.

  9. Into the gun cotton is inserted a detonator; and into the detonator is inserted two inches of safety-fuze.

  10. Detonator through thirty yards of those leads--and that thirty yards just enabled me to stand clear of the bridge.

  11. The trick to making it work was an even, synchronous implosion of the outer sphere, which was the job of the high-tech krytron detonator switches.

  12. They say they've rigged a radio-controlled detonator on it.

  13. By this the pellet strikes the detonator and so ignites a length of slow-burning composition which is pressed into a wood tube or into a channel formed in a metal ring.

  14. On the gun being fired the detonator is exploded and its flash ignites the upper time ring.

  15. It is filled with explosive and fitted with a detonator which is exploded by a percussion fuze.

  16. The gas grenades were to be delivered at the filling plants complete except for the detonator thimbles, which seal both gas and phosphorus grenades and act as sockets for the firing mechanism.

  17. The operation begins in the foreground with cap assembly and progresses toward background, the fulminate detonator being inserted midway down table.

  18. The detonator is filled with some easily detonated substance, such as fulminate of mercury.

  19. As the bomb was released by the mechanism the pin was automatically drawn out, and the detonator slid down into position so as to explode the bomb the instant it struck its object.

  20. The charge was set off by a detonator held apart from the dangerous contents of the bomb by a pin.

  21. Thus in one experiment a disk of dry gun cotton was covered with a water-proof coating and the detonator inserted in the detonator hole of this disk.

  22. When used to detonate gun cotton, either when confined or in the open, the detonator is placed in the hole which has been molded in the center of the gun cotton disk or block, so that it shall be in close contact with the gun cotton.

  23. A small steel disk of the same diameter as the block is first placed in the shell on top of the block, then the charge with a detonator is inserted.

  24. The David, steaming at her full speed of seven knots an hour, struck squarely against the New Ironsides at the water-line and rebounded to a distance of seven or eight feet before this clumsy detonator could do its work.

  25. For practice purposes the explosive was left out, and the detonator wired into an empty tin.

  26. Even as I watched the advent of the electronic detonator two days previously the inspiration had come to me.

  27. The instant he brought the wires in contact, the detonator went off.

  28. When the grenade struck, the pellet D would move forward and a pin, E, would strike a cap on the detonator F, exploding the missile.

  29. The burning fuse would eventually carry the fire to the detonator E, which would touch off the main explosive, shattering the shell of the grenade and scattering its fragments in all directions.

  30. A moment later the fuse was cut and the bomb's detonator removed.

  31. A small portion fired by the detonator found in the bomb gave off dense clouds of the pale-violet vapour, and animals exposed to it were speedily killed, exhibiting every symptom of the terrible disease.

  32. Unhappily the secret of the detonator used defied discovery.

  33. Then snap igniter or detonator and the engine is off.

  34. If the tube igniter is used, a detonator is arranged in the cylinder, to be charged by the head of a snapping parlor match which can be exploded by hand.

  35. On the following day Schoeffer's explosive, with the detonator timed for its maximum limit, was stored in No.

  36. Deftly he opened the breech and thrust home the cardboard cylinder containing the detonator and explosive light; then, standing on the stern bench and steadying the tiller with one foot, he levelled the short-barrelled weapon.

  37. No remote control is perfect, and neither is a detonator system.

  38. For this reason, the British had arranged a simple detonator system, operated either by remote control or automatically under certain conditions.

  39. When radar trackers saw that a disk was off course and could not be realigned, the nearest station then sent a special signal to activate the detonator system.

  40. The automatic detonator is set in motion and the bomb released to explode approximately at the height to which it is set.

  41. When it strikes the ground the detonator fires a charge which emits a report without damaging the message container, and at the same time fires a combustible charge emitting considerable smoke.

  42. When the bomb strikes the ground the detonator falls down on the charge, fires the latter, and thus brings about the bursting of the bomb.

  43. The detonator is held away from the main charge by a collar and ball-bearing which are held in place by the projecting end of a screw-releasing spindle.

  44. The airship was steadied momentarily to enable the range to be taken, the automatic detonator was set going and the bomb slipped into the launching tube.

  45. In some instances the French employ an automatic detonator which corresponds in a certain measure to the time-fuse of a shrapnel shell fired from a gun.

  46. When the bomb is dropped the rotating tail causes the spindle to screw upwards until the projection moves away from the steel balls, thereby allowing them to fall inward when the collar and the detonator are released.

  47. These shells are fired upon impact, a detonator exploding the main charge.

  48. This material was requisitioned, cut into squares, and the explosive packed like little bags of washing blue, with the detonator and fuse inside.

  49. If the aliens had a detonator beam as well as one that produced the terror beam's effects, then all hope of resistance was probably gone.

  50. They could have a detonator beam that sets off explosives at a distance.

  51. The detonator is fastened to one cartridge and a length of fuse is attached to the detonator, which passing up the hole terminates above the ground.

  52. However it may be done, one or more cartridges of dynamite are lowered into the finished hole, one of them being fitted with the necessary detonator and fuse.

  53. The former is comparatively harmless, but it acts as the trigger or detonator which lets loose the force pent up in the innocent-looking coal-dust.

  54. Innocent it would, in truth, have been but for the little detonator in its heart, without which it would only have burned, not exploded.

  55. Then the cartridge, with the detonator inside of it; and the fuse, extending from its mouth, was placed in contact with the charge under the tree.

  56. It requires a detonator to explode it with violence.

  57. It is only necessary that there should be one small lump of dry gun-cotton inside the wet stuff, with a detonator in its heart.

  58. Into this cartridge I shall insert a detonator cap, which is fastened to the end of a Pickford fuse--thus.

  59. The worst of it was that I had inserted a detonator and affixed a fuse, feeling quite secure in doing so, because I invariably locked the door and carried the key in my pocket.

  60. Robin set the firing pin of the detonator switch, looked out.

  61. They set up the flares, which were magnesium-burning giant candles, a safe distance from the rocket, wired them to a detonator powered from the ship.

  62. There was only one detonator left, and Phil was not sure it was a good one, but he felt so certain that there would be no need of setting it off that he did not particularly care.

  63. When it was finally in place, he gave the order for the truck to back away slowly, paying out the wire that was to be used to set off the detonator from the battery at the other end if the need really arose.

  64. Tommy looks upon all bombs with grave suspicion; from long experience he has learned not to trust them, even if the detonator has been removed.

  65. Then he would reach over, pick up his detonator and explosive, and insert them in the tin, the fuse protruding.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "detonator" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.